LifeLong Learning volunteers gather before their new home prior to a meeting to determine next season’s lecturers.
While the public calendar for LifeLong Learning is bare from May to September, volunteers are busy meeting to finalize the schedule of lectures for the coming season.
One of the most difficult tasks is determining which of the more than 100 ideas submitted for lectures will be pursued for the 16 Monday Morning and six Premier Lecture dates. “The wealth and diversity of suggested topics is overwhelming,” said LLL Co-Chair Dennis DeFrain. “PebbleCreek residents suggested many of the recommended speakers, testimony to the deep interest in continued learning in the community,” he said.
After a small committee whittled the list down to 57 potential subjects, DeFrain invited all LLL volunteers to meet to review, discuss and rank the lectures. More than a third of the volunteers came to the meeting, which helps insure that the diversity of interests in the community will be reflected in the final choices.
“Now comes the hard part,” said DeFrain, referring to the process of contacting speakers, determining which dates would work, whether the LLL budget can support their fees and travel costs and finally getting contracts signed for each lecture.
“The goal is to have all the lecturers in place by August 1,” DeFrain said. LifeLong Learning will announce the lecturers through the LifeLong Learning enewsletter as they are confirmed. To subscribe send an email to [email protected] with your name and email.