Nancy Wilson Smith (front), Gregg Clymer (left), John Kiekbusch (rear center) and Sherry Gonzales (right)

John Kiekbusch and Arlis Legler
During a brief presentation February 4, 2016, members of the HOA Board honored Arlis Legler with annual PebbleCreek Volunteer of the Year recognition. Narrowing the field of potential recipients, Board President John Kiekbusch noted Ms. Legler’s dedication and service to PebbleCreek as a long-time member of the Unit Representatives Committee, member of the Elections and Rules Compliance Committees, Kare Bears volunteer and Kare Bears President. He presented a plaque to a surprised Ms. Legler, who graciously accepted with kind regards and thanks to all.
In addition, the Board recognized Nancy Wilson Smith for her four years of service as an HOA Board member. Nancy’s significant contributions to the community during her service were highlighted, including helping redesign the HOA website, driving the New Homeowner Orientation and serving as Board liaison for multiple community groups.