Rabbi David Mayer
Gloria Kornbluth
This year we are faced with the challenge of how to hold High Holiday Services and keep our congregants safe. Our wonderful Rabbi David Mayer is returning, and will be conducting services for our PebbleCreek family on Zoom.
We’re keeping with our tradition of the past 11 years, to bring the warmth of the services to our PebbleCreek neighbors in the best way we can under our current circumstances. Our Shofar blower will usher in the New Year, and each service will be one hour long. Siddurs will be distributed in an envelope to everyone who wants one, about a week before the holidays.
The schedule for the services is as follows:
Rosh Hashanah—Saturday, September 19 at 10:30 a.m.
Kol Nidre—Sunday, September 27, at 7 p.m.
Yom Kippur—Monday, September 28, at 10:30 a.m.
Instructions and invitations will be sent to those that register for the services. To register or for more information, contact Gloria Kornbluth at [email protected] or 623-398-8919. Let us know if you would be interested in having an Aliyah or English reading.
There is no charge for services this year, but a voluntary donation to offset the expenses incurred would be greatly appreciated. Make checks payable to CFHH and mail to:
Gloria Kornbluth
15687 W. Avalon Drive
Goodyear, AZ, 85395.
We hope you will join us for the holidays. L’Shanah Tovah!