Update for Parkinson’s Support Group

Linda Porreca

Are you or a loved one living with Parkinson’s? If so, come and join the PebbleCreek Parkinson’s Support Group. Everyone living with Parkinson’s and their caregivers are invited. Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been coping with this disease for years, come and join us. All discussions are private. You have heard the slogan, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” The same principle is followed in our meetings. Realizing you are not alone is very uplifting. We learn from one another by hearing other people’s experiences. You might just leave the meeting with a new friend.

The support group meets on the first Tuesday of each month in the Palermo Room, Tuscany Falls Clubhouse, from 10 a.m. to noon. If you have any questions or would like further information, contact either Will Jenkins at 509-520-2093 or Linda Porreca at 623-428-4153.