Unit 8 Holiday Games, Gift Exchange, and Party
Alisa Moore
The ladies of Unit 8 held their second annual Holiday Games, Gift Exchange, and Party at Roman’s on Yuma in December! It was so much fun to be back there again! If you are in Unit 8 and would like to get on the list to join in our monthly excursions, please contact Jane Holdcroft at [email protected]. (Photo by Alisa Moore)
Unit 8 Ladies Love Supporting Community at Holiday Time

Getting ready to host the Holiday Party at the Avondale Senior Center
Alisa Moore
Every November, the ladies of Unit 8 receive an email from Jane Holdcroft, our resident who organizes the luncheons and all the other activities in our neck of the woods. In her email she lays out the schedule for our Holiday Party at the Avondale Senior Center, which we have supported for eight years and counting.
Started by the Soroptimists, and now sponsored by Delta Kappa Gamma sorority, the annual event provides the seniors who attend the Senior Center with a memorable holiday event: the social room is decorated with a tree and all the trimmings, Santa and Mrs. Claus come to visit, treats are served, and shopping for gifts galore, selected by the recipients themselves, is a high point. For months, we collect contributed new items, from small treasures to huge gift baskets based on the donors’ themes. Attendees select from the individual pieces on the $1, $2, and $3 tables and then can purchase those with their previously provided ‘play money.’ The baskets are distributed based on the holders of the tickets drawn at the end of the evening. A separate social event is held to sort all those donations and to load them into storage boxes for transport to the Center. For many of the Avondale Seniors, Unit 8 ladies and Deltas, it is the social event of the season.
And for the first time this year, at our Holiday event at Roman’s Oasis, the Unit 8 ladies collected new toys for the Goodyear Firefighters group and dropped them off in plenty of time for distribution to make Christmas more joyous for local children in need. As long as they have the annual drive, Unit 8 will be there to support them, just as we do for the Avondale Senior Center.
Anyone in Unit 8 interested in participating in our activities, please contact Jane Holdcroft at [email protected]. Anyone in PebbleCreek interested in supporting these two worthy causes, feel free to let Jane know. We can pick up donations all year long. All items must be new. What a wonderful way to celebrate the holidays!
Unit 12 Ladies Share the Christmas Spirit
Cathy Howell
The ladies of Unit 12 had their 2023 Christmas luncheon at Black Angus. Rather than a gift exchange, they decided to buy new nightgowns for hospice patients. Resident Chuck Patton collects new and used nightgowns for women and golf shirts for men, and delivers them to hospice. The women of Unit 12 had a great time shopping and wrapping, and Chuck Patton was very appreciative of their thoughtfulness.
Unit 18 “I Heard There Was Christmas Caroling!”
John Fox
Unit 18 welcomed the holiday season by hitting the high notes in an evening filled with food, drink, laughter, and Christmas carols on Dec. 16.
Chris and Karen Peterson opened their home in what’s becoming an annual event. We all brought our favorite drinks, appetizers, light entrees, and desserts. Chris raised the stakes with smoked ribs, and Karen brought it home leading us all in traditional songs on her grand piano. The entire night resounded with laughter, some really splendid and horrible singing, and more than a few stories of past holidays. Sadly, we’re only able to share one photo with you. It was a great night.
Thank you, Chris and Karen, you made this time together special.
Unit 18 Christmas Lights Golf Cart Tour
John Fox
Golf carts … they were everywhere. There were Christmas decked-out golf carts all around the neighborhood as Unit 18 held its 2nd annual Christmas Lights Golf Cart Tour on Monday, Dec. 18.
Nearly 20 golf carts joined up on the cul-de-sac on 151st Drive just before sunset. Golf carts garbed in twinkling lights, snow-covered garland, and candy canes lined the road. Santa Claus (AKA Bob Higgins) fortified the drivers and passengers with offerings of chocolates while Bluetooth speakers on the golf carts lent a festive air to the gathering.
Shortly after Astronomical Twilight (i.e., when it gets really dark!), Unit 18 departed on its grand adventure led by Tim and Jenny Munson. PebbleCreekers stopped to wonder what parade they missed, dogs barked as we jingled past, and drivers wondered if this golf cart conga line dancing its way through the streets would ever end.
As we arrived back in the Unit, golf carts split away to tuck into a warm garage and neighbors once again felt the warm glow in their hearts because of the time spent with friends over the holidays.
Tim and Jenny … thank you for making this happen.
Unit 20 Ladies’ Christmas Luncheon
Peggy Pase
The ladies of Unit 20 held their Christmas luncheon on Dec. 13 at PebbleCreek’s Eagle’s Nest restaurant. Fara Walling, Community Engagement Manager at New Life Center, joined us to explain a bit about the center and to accept the gifts we had purchased for their residents. We always have fun getting together, enjoying lunch, and visiting with each other. We’re looking forward to more monthly lunches in 2024! (Photo by Peggy Pase)
Unit 20 Holiday Happy Hour
Peggy Pase
Residents of Unit 20 enjoyed a holiday happy hour on Dec. 7 hosted by Leon and Eileen Mosse. We enjoyed delicious appetizers, happy hour beverages, and especially visiting with each other. It was a fun way to celebrate the holiday season with our neighbors. (Photo by Peggy Pase)
Unit 26 Ladies’ Luncheon
Gena Wikstrom
It was a very Merry Christmas luncheon on Dec. 15 for the Unit 26 ladies. Seventeen of us enjoyed catching up and sharing stories as we looked forward to 2024.
Unit 43B Holiday Party
Susan Knox Wilson
PebbleCreek Villas Association (Unit 43B) neighbors gathered in the Chianti Ballroom to celebrate the holidays, enjoy a delicious Italian buffet from PebbleCreek Catering, and welcome new neighbors: Nancy and Gary Michelson and Shubra and Keshab Gangopadhyay. (Photo by Sandy Horvath)
Unit 44’s Favorite Things
Jean Harris
Festive holiday cheer filled Gwen DeBernardi’s beautiful home on Dec. 11 as Unit 44’s lovely ladies gathered to enjoy each other’s company and exchange gifts. “My Favorite Things” was the party’s theme (cue the Sound of Music song) and while sharing the item each chose, the ladies got to know each other a bit more. Gwen set up a gorgeous and delicious charcuterie display that was truly a work of art. As the gift exchange played out, a few coveted items made their way around the room: a whipped cream dispenser, a snowman light-up globe, and an Ulta store gift card were hot items. Those attending were Debbie Baron, Judy Campbell, Kathy Clark, Deborah Crabtree, Gwen DeBernardi, Judy Gorski, Suzanne Gudelj, Jean Harris, Peggy Hayner, Jody Hoff, Barbara Kamm, Jean Merkel, Diane Russo, Donna Thomas, and Lee Ann Thompson.
Unit 46’s Fun Inaugural Happy Hour

A big “thumbs up” with all who attended the very first Unit 46 happy hour! Left to right: Desiree Levy, Sam Acchione, Linda Pop, Peter Pop, Vicki Ferraresi, Dave Cousminer, Chuck Hakkarinen, Ann Cousminer, Bob Brewin, Mark Virden, Jackie Brewin, Ed Kopecky, Hal Levy, Susan Kopecky, Dennis Gildea, Susan Gildea, Alan Shapiro, Tammy Carnihan, Scott Carnihan, Wendy Shapiro, Tiny Tim Razem, Anita Acchione, Dennis Bruce, Kim Bruce, and Spike Razem. Absent: photographer Dawn Razem.
Spike Razem
Have you ever been to a party not knowing anyone? For the past few months, residents have been moving into PebbleCreek’s newest Unit 46 streets, which includes N 165th Dr., Sheila, Mulberry, and Cora.
On Dec. 14, Spike and Dawn Razem hosted Unit 46’s very first happy hour. Name tags were important because we all met each other for the first time. The holiday season was in full swing, and the 25 attendees were truly feeling the party spirit. Delicious appetizers were shared, holiday beverages were enjoyed, and some good conversation resulted. We all compared notes about where we lived, where we moved from, and how pleased we were with Robson home-building, landscaper issues, etc.
By the end of the evening, desserts were ignored and tastes of Fireball, bourbon, and Screwball were enjoyed.
We can’t wait for our fun unit residents to get together for more future events. Yes, Unit 46 is off to a great start in PebbleCreek!
Unit 47A New Year’s Eve
Debbie George
Unit 47A is one of the newest additions to PebbleCreek, and they rang in the new year with a progressive New Year’s Eve party, spending an hour at each one of four homes that hosted the event. This is one of the first official events for the unit, and there will be many more to come! These folks love to party! Cheers and Happy New Year from Unit 47A. (Photo by Tom George)
Unit 49A Really Knows How to Bring in the New Year

Judy’s Jell-O shots
Robin Macik
Even the police showed up!
Thank you to Dave and Wendy Maloney for organizing a progressive New Year’s Eve walk. The hosts for the celebration were the Maloneys, Chops, and DeGeorges. Each home served their special cocktail—champagne, Southern Comfort Punch, and ending with Jell-O shots—along with appetizers and desserts.
Almost 50 residents joined together to bring in 2024, though we did lose a few by the last house. Early in the evening as the party was just getting started, the police arrived at the Maloney’s home because they had received several 911 calls from their address. Dave asked everyone to check their cell phones to see if a butt call had been made, but no one fessed up to it. The ladies all thought the policeman was really a stripper, and they were a little disappointed he wasn’t.
Everyone enjoyed the celebration as the party continued well into the evening. A big thank you to the evening’s hosts—Dave and Wendy Maloney, Frank and Donna Chop, and Tim and Judy DeGeorge—for opening their homes and of course those specialty cocktails.
Unit 54—Cookies for Luke AFB
Barb Dunson
Fifteen Unit 54 bakers fired their ovens up and picked a Christmas recipe knowing that their choice would be enjoyed by some of our 4,800 servicemen and women at Luke Air Force Base. Bakers and treats included: Lorraine Schultheiss—almond cake cookies and a tin of Danish butter cookies; Kathy Cheek—date bars; Nancy Bartusch—chocolate chip; Joette Lookabaugh—candied/nut fruit biscotti; Michelle Moskos and Steve Davies—spritz; Pat Gray—chocolate fudge, spritz, pecan coconut, and walnut snowballs; Ron and Michelle Devine—oatmeal chocolate chip (no nuts); Bob Rottman—ginger snaps; Julie Kemper and Barb Dunson—peanut butter kisses; Cindy Klein—chocolate chip, Cindy Strong—pistachio cranberry icebox, pecan Mexican Wedding, and pretzel rounds with holiday kisses; Patty Klepinger—spritz. These cookies, along with other PebbleCreeker-baked sweets, surely pleased the eye and the tummy.
Unit 57 Guys Getaway Gathering
Rick Johnson
“Guys Getaway” meets monthly to attend a movie or sporting event, followed by a meal to discuss and solve the world’s problems. This day the group enjoyed the movie Ferrari, as well as a memorable lunch celebrating authentic Mexican food and jumbo margaritas. Based upon the photographic composition, the person taking the picture may have experienced the margaritas as well. While names have been altered to protect the attendees, loosely they are (from left to right), General Mark, Old Guy, ZZ, El Presidente, and The Professor. Needless to say, a great time was had by all…
Unit 57 Guys Getaway Football Game
Rick Johnson
The U-57 Guys Getaway group experienced the Arizona Cardinals vs. Seattle Seahawks (sea-HAWKS! sea-HAWKS!!) game along with 68,000 of their closest friends and neighbors. The avid football fans from PC included: ‘ZZ’ Todd Bowers, ‘old guy’ Rick Johnson, ‘Bruce’ Bruce Powell, and ‘Mr. Happy’ Dan Ryan, who found themselves packed into seats shoulder to shoulder with thousands of insanely screaming (sea-HAWKS!!!) yet respectful Seattle fans. Apart from the game itself (which was best viewed on the Jumbotron), the most interesting event was observing the fight that broke out in the men’s room between two enthusiastic but heavily lubricated gentlemen of questionable intellect. Now, that should have made the Jumbotron screen! All in all a fun afternoon, but next time maybe stay home, relax, enjoy a beverage, and watch the game on television.
Unit 60 Holiday Golf Cart Parade Winners
Sherri Hille
The PebbleCreek and Unit 60 Holiday Golf Cart Parades were held on Dec. 12. Winners shown in both parades were Tasha Pasco with the sleigh golf cart and Donna Tessmer with the presents golf cart. A great time was enjoyed by all!
The 2023 Holiday Season in Unit 61
The holidays were a busy time for Unit 61 residents. The 2023 holiday season kicked off with our annual holiday dinner in the Chianti Room on Dec. 2, 2023. Seventy attendees enjoyed cocktails and dinner followed by a fun round of trivia. Attendees brought food donations that were delivered to Agua Fria Food and Clothing Bank in Avondale.
Unit 61 also hosted its annual golf cart parade and potluck dinner on Dec. 7. There were close to 30 decorated carts traveling through PebbleCreek. After the parade, more than 80 residents enjoyed dinner and as in past years, children’s toys were collected. This year’s recipient organization was Toys for Tots. U.S. Marine Corps reservist Corporal Bryan Dean was in attendance to collect our donations. A great time was had by all.
62A Annual Ornament Exchange
Toni Erickson
On Dec. 6, we enjoyed lunch at Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, revisiting the picturesque setting for our annual ornament exchange. Each neighbor brought an elegant ornament valued between $15 and $20, contributing to anyone’s stylish decor. Through a numbered drawing, each neighbor selected a gift wrapped with an ornament in a predetermined order. The joyous day unfolded with the reveal of both the gifts and their generous givers. Those attending were: first row, left to right: Dale Scanlon, Laurie Wyman, Jackie MacKenzie; second row: Joanne Wrout, Julie Greenbank, Debbie Forte; third row: Janet Henson, Cathe Pruyn, Marilyn Newcomer, Renee Fisher, Jackie Backmann, Judy Meservey; fourth row: Barb Downey, Toni Erickson, Patti Trapp, Pat Pakin, Janelle Watts, Lynn Banks, Nancy Nelson, Pat Gonzales, Mary Geraghty and Wendy Langhals.
62A My Favorite Things

Sitting on the sofa, from left to right, are Mary Geraghty, Patti Trapp, Cathe Pruyn, Julie Greenbank, Sheryl Lipp, and Marilyn Newcomer. Standing, from left to right, are Joanne Wrout, Laurie Lyman, Janet Henson, Barb Downey, Judy Meservey, Marilyn Coates, Pat Pakin, Renee Fisher, Lynn Banks, Debbie Clinkinbeard, Pat Gonzales, Debbie Forte, Wendy Langhals, Toni Erickson, Jackie Bachmann, and Janelle Watts.
Toni Erickson
On Dec. 12, 2023, women from 62A gathered at Wendy Langhals’s home for a “My Favorite Things” exchange. Each neighbor brought an unwrapped favorite item to share, pass, and potentially “steal,” with prices ranging from $15 to $25. The festive atmosphere was heightened by the diverse array of cherished items exchanged among neighbors. Laughter and camaraderie filled Wendy’s home as everyone eagerly participated in the lively swapping of their favorite things. It was a delightful evening where the warmth of shared treasures and the joy of community mingled seamlessly. Beverages and desserts capped off the evening.
62A White Christmas

The playgoers were: Rick and Wendy Langhals, Barb Downey, Judy Meservy, Marilyn Coates, Betty Evans, Cathy Pruyn, Mike Trapp, Jackie MacKenzie, Patti Trapp, Mike Pruyn (tucked behind Patti), Renee Fisher, Jim Downey, Lynn Banks, Toni and Bob Erickson, Janelle Watts, Elmer Greenbank, and Gary Watts. Not pictured: Bruce Banks.
Toni Erickson
Unit 62A experienced a splendid afternoon on Dec. 14, relishing lunch followed by a captivating performance of “White Christmas” at the AZ Broadway Theater. Patti Trapp took on the gracious role of acquiring tickets for all those eager to partake in this delightful outing. The enchanting melodies of “White Christmas” filled the theater, accompanied by dazzling performances that transported everyone into a festive world of song and dance. The cast’s talent and the heartwarming storyline made it an unforgettable theatrical experience for Unit 62A, leaving lasting memories of a truly magical afternoon.
62A Christmas Happy Hour
Toni Erickson
On Dec. 20, Gerry Hubbard and Paula Hupka hosted a truly spectacular Christmas happy hour in their exquisitely adorned home. Prior to the event, a donation list was circulated to gather contributions for the Foster Alliance, and the response was extraordinary. The generosity of many transformed the occasion into a heartwarming gathering where everyone shared delightful appetizers and desserts. The blend of food and fellowship created an atmosphere of immense warmth. We extend a heartfelt thank you to Gerry and Paula for making it an exceptional event.
62B 2023 Holiday Party

62B 2023 Holiday Party Committee, left to right: Nancy Moore, Renee Ward, Patti Rice, Sandy Angus, Lin Ochs, Henry Porter, and Gordon Angus
Lin Ochs
For the 6th annual 62B Holiday Party, the Holiday Committee conceived a distinctive leitmotif … since Costco shopping is very common amongst our “demographic,” let’s have a Costco-themed party. Oh, but make it refined—“cultured Costco, polished persuasion.”
62B neighbors gathered at the Gordon and Sandy Angus home and patio on Dec. 14, 2023. A tuxedo black and white color scheme set the mood, and table-top firepits and glowing candles throughout set the ambiance. Chef Henry Porter in his white coat, and the other 2023 committee members (Sandy Angus, Nancy Moore, Lin Ochs, Patti Rice, and Renee Ward), in their red aprons and wholesale club name tags, presented 80 neighbors with classed-up sample stations—a veritable exhibition feast: various appealing appetizers, dazzling desserts, scrumptious shrimp bowl and salmon souffles, knock-out charcuterie, and extensive fruit and vegetable platters (to keep it healthy!). Cost signs with ridiculous prices for levity identified each item.
Attendees enjoyed great Arizona weather, enhanced with patio heaters, along with the delicious food and abundant jollification. Described with amazement and delight, the membership-only hors d’oeuvres party now joins a list of innovative and memorable merrymaking and munching that Unit 62B has enjoyed since 2018.