Unit rep meeting, April 13
Vickie Hamilton
The guest speaker for the Monday, April 13 Unit Representative meeting will be Marion Moskal, Financial Operations Manager. The meeting will be in the Chianti Room from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. The topic will be Where Does the Money Go? Marion will talk about how homeowners’ dues are spent, what it costs to operate PebbleCreek and the planning process that helps keep PebbleCreek fiscally sound. The talk will feature annual baseline operating costs and baseline additions on non-recurring costs. Questions and answers will follow the presentation. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear our Financial Operations Manager talk about the financial aspects of running a community like PebbleCreek.
Residents are invited to attend Unit Rep meetings to learn more about what is going on in the community and to meet and exchange information with other homeowners. If you would like to become a Unit Rep, contact the Unit Rep Co-Chair Janet Miazga at [email protected].
Unit 10
Ane Aune
In February, the ladies enjoyed a delicious four course meal at the Regions/EMCC Restaurant. We congratulated our most recent retired neighbor Linda Latour and welcomed our newest neighbor Kay Aiello to our largest attended lunch. In March about 35 neighbors attended our Unit 10’s first Patio Quiz Party. We were able to enjoy some great appetizers, learn and laugh at some of the fun facts about bunnies, PC, our Unit and Arizona. Thanks to Bron and Doug Kelch and Bettie and Brad Wesley for making us feel so welcomed. I am still laughing.
Unit 20
Carolyn Rota for Marce’ Brennan
On Wednesday, March 4 the Ladies of Unit 20 held their monthly luncheon at Ruby Tuesday. Their host was Marce’ Brennan. All the ladies looked lovely in green with their green tiaras celebrating St. Patty’s day. Lunch was delicious and even though no one found a pot O’ gold, greeting longtime friends and meeting new ones, as well as enjoying a bit of blarney, made this day a wonderful success. Everyone left with a smile on their face and look forward to seeing each other at the April luncheon. Look for the invitation in your emails.
Unit 27A
Joan Schmidt
“Hold on to your tickets—it’s a photo finish!” The neighbors and friends of Unit 27A collectively held their breath! In the end there were some winners while others tossed their loser betting slips away and anxiously waited for the next race and another chance at winning a possible fortune.
On February 24 Unit 27A gathered 21 neighbors and friends to carpool in a caravan over to Turf Paradise and enjoy a day of exciting horseracing, a bountiful lunch buffet (including a scrumptious dessert table) and a chance to mingle with their neighbors.
With a great view of the finish line and tableside close-up TV monitors, the confident folks discussed their sure bet strategies with their neighbors and made their individual lucky bets. There were some loud cheers, “Yeah, I won!” and quiet grumblings, “Phooey, lost again!” Throughout the festivities there were some grinning smiles and some sad frowns but everyone had a great time with lots of friends.
The fourth race was named in the group’s honor so many of the guests were escorted to ground level to watch the race up close and personal trackside. The sound of the hooves pounding on the ground and smells of the sleek thoroughbred horses gave a different view of what goes on at a racetrack. Some folks were even lucky enough to have a quick tour of the silks room that holds the colorful jockey shirts and matching caps.
In spite of a few raindrops, the group’s spirits were not dampened and the winning horse, a four year old filly named Galehorn, and her jockey David Lopez were surrounded by Unit 27A folks for a congratulatory photo.
Perhaps not everyone went home with lucky cash filling their pockets, but everyone walked away a winner having enjoyed a special day with their neighbors!
Unit 38
Linda Bolon
Twelve Unit 38 ladies gathered for a delicious meal at a rather unique venue; Regions Restaurant at Estrella Mountain Community College. Regions is run by students in the Culinary Institute who are training for careers in the professional food service industry.
The cost for a full course meal is $11, which includes tax. All revenue is invested back into the program. The lunch featured an appetizer, soup or salad, entrée, dessert and beverage.
Menus change every week, with Thursdays service offering an a la carte American regional and French menu, a taste of foods from around the country, with Friday’s focusing on themed buffet selections.
Our regional menu featured Cuisine of Appalachia that began with cheddar and olive balls (wrapped in sharp cheddar with paprika) with a serving of pomegranate seeds with fresh rosemary sprig. We had our choice of watermelon and feta cheese salad with fresh mint or West Virginia sweet pepper soup with fresh basil. The entrée choices were Virginia BBQ chicken (boneless breast meat), honey glazed ham (savory pork butt with mustard and brown sugar) or pan fried trout with toasted peanuts and browned butter sauce. Each selection was accompanied by crisp green beans with caramelized pecans and buttery herbed orzo. Freshly baked carrot cake with Italian butter cream icing and fresh brewed coffee or tea finished the meal.
The Unit 38 ladies are hopeful that our experience has tempted you to visit Regions and support our local community college.
Unit 40
Diane Passafiume
The golfers dragged their weary bodies into the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse after a day of very non-competitive golf. Cocktails were definitely in order. When it came time for dinner the Catering Department did their usual fine job. The food was delicious and served promptly. After dinner there were prizes for all who golfed and a lot of laughs for those who didn’t. Bob Cowan raided his stash of golf equipment to come up with some very memorable prizes. Many wondered how he could part with all those water balls he held so dear to his heart. A great time was had by all who attended. A big thank you to Diane Passafiume and Bob Cowan for organizing the event.
Unit 52
Ken Minichiello
Day at the Races was not the usual monthly luncheon for Unit 52 Men’s Group. Arranged by Ken Minichiello, the men, with their spouses, enjoyed an all day event of trying to beat the odds to win the pot of gold. The rumor was that there was one big money winner, but in spite of the many empty wallets it was a fun day for all.

Some of the Unit 52 ladies who lunch enjoyed a delightful get together and meal Wednesday, March 11 at Claim Jumper.
Liz Gibson
Hosted by Nancy Rosenfeld, the ladies got caught up on unit happenings as well as the last word on all the new homes being completed, which brings our rapidly expanding unit to only 23 more lots to go.
The next get together was the festive night at Waddell’s Longhorn Corral on March 19 which, in addition to dining and dancing, included country waltz dance lessons. The final party before summer will be the annual popular Cinco de Mayo held on May 5. However, the busy Social Committee will have some events during the summer.
Unit 53
Sandy Stephens
Dan and Barb Roberts opened their home once again February 18 for the Unit 53 monthly Happy Hour. Guests brought their drinks and an appetizer to share and everyone spent the evening around the kitchen munching on all the goodies others brought and enjoying each other’s company. We missed those that were unable to attend but know that in PebbleCreek there are so many enjoyable activities we can’t do them all.