Unit 8 Celebrations
The ladies of Unit 8 were one of the very last groups to celebrate the holidays at the now relocating Romans in December. We then started the new year at home at Eagle’s Nest in January. Interested in joining us? Contact Jane Holdcroft at [email protected]. Photos by Alisa Moore
Unit 17 Midwinter Party at Oasis Pool
Judy Ayers
Approximately 60 residents of Unit 17 gathered at the Oasis Pool area for our Midwinter Unit Party on Jan. 29. Days before the party, as well as days afterwards, we saw freezing temperatures and rain. But on our Unit party day, it was a beautiful sunny day! Everyone brought a hearty appetizer or dessert and their own beverages. Prizes were awarded to the persons who have been here the longest, the shortest, most kids, etc. In addition, 50/50 prizes were awarded. It was such fun spending time together with all the neighbors on a beautiful Sunday afternoon! A big thank you to Alice and Bruce Dice for planning this event!
Unit 44’s All Botched Up

All smiles on the All Botched Up players! Left to right: Wayne Thomas, Jody Hoff, Del Scott, Donna Thomas, Curt Hoff, Jean Merkel, Jim Thompson, and Leann Thompson. Absent: Deb and Scott Crabtree, Judy and Frank Gorski. (Photo by Spike Razem)
Spike Razem
Isn’t having fun more important than a team’s won-lost record? There’s a team in the PebbleCreek Winter Bocce Ball League that’s firmly in last place.
“All Botched Up” is comprised of Unit 44 neighbors and captained by Deb and Scott Crabtree. Although the wins are few, the laughs are many. When asked about their highlights, Deb said, “Our awesome team is comprised of close friends having a ton of fun at every game. Every time we play a team they always comment on how much fun our team is.”
Also, All Botched Up players have been known to dress up in special costumes during holiday games, perhaps to distract their opponents, or, more likely to result in more giggles and smiles.
PebbleCreek residents are encouraged to come to the Eagle’s Nest bocce courts on Thursday evenings to cheer on some excellent bocce ball action. You’ll see many great shots from some talented, often serious, competitors. And, then you’ll also witness the All Botched Up team, probably low-scoring in points, but high-scoring in fun!
Unit 49A Chili Cook-Off

Unit 49A Chili Cook-Off judges, left to right: Dave Pritchyk, Brenda Sand, and Chuck Busker
Robin Macik
On Feb. 5 approximately 50 residents from Unit 49A joined at the Oasis Pool for a Chili Cook-Off. Eight residents brought their chilis to be judged. The judges were Dave Pritchyk, Brenda Sand, and Chuck Busker. They began their tasting and took their roles very seriously, even taking drinks of water in between tastings. After tasting all eight, they returned to retaste their top four chilis to decide the winner.
First place was taken by Larry Burnson with his Purdue Boilermakers Chili. The difference from the other chilis was the sausage. The other winners were Tim DeGeorge, Bill Thomas, and Ron Olberding. Of course, there was a prize of wine and two wine glasses.
After the judging, everyone got to sample the chilis along with toppings. For those who are not fans of chili, residents brought salads along with sides of corn and Italian bread and, of course, the final course of dessert.
Unit 51 Valentine’s Luncheon
Janet Miazga
A Valentine-themed ladies luncheon for Unit 51 was hosted by Faye Sessoms and Jerri Christensen on Feb. 9. Nineteen lovely gals enjoyed the good food and outstanding service at Old Chicago, in addition to seeing some neighbors we hadn’t seen in a while and catching up with each other. Our hosts had the tables decorated with red garland and red & white heart doilies, with a nice cup of chocolates for each to take home. A lovely red vase of flowers was given to the gal with the wedding anniversary date closest to Valentine’s Day. It was a very nice luncheon “loved” by all!
Unit 51 January Ladies’ Luncheon
Janet Miazga
Our monthly ladies’ luncheon was extra special on Jan. 12—besides being the first one of 2023, we had it at our new Goodyear BJ’s restaurant, where the service was very friendly and quick despite the full house. Our hostess, Sandee Matteucci, gathered 17 of us gals who all added to the fun surprise—since it happened to be my birthday, I was greeted with a balloon, a pile of cards, a delicious cake, and a free lunch! We have such a wonderful, caring unit, and I certainly appreciate the close friendships and gratitude I receive for serving as the Unit 51 contact.
Unit 54 Men’s Breakfast
Monthly, a group of Unit 54 men get together for breakfast. If you’d like to be included, get in touch with Mike Strong. Pictured, from left, are: Jack Fink, Mike Hurst, Roger Douglas, Don Kasper, John Abercrombie, Brad Gray, Fred Kettlewell, Steve Domholt, Jack Klepinger, and Mike Strong.
Unit 58 Men’s Breakfast
Ed Raker
On Jan. 25, the Unit 58 Men’s Breakfast group set a new attendance record of 22 hungry men eager to enjoy a delicious breakfast together. This time, the venue was TJ’s Homestyle Restaurant in Avondale.
At one large table we got together to tell lies, joke around, and generally entertain each other, as we do, usually on a monthly basis.
It’s difficult to see all of the faces in the photo, but they are: (clockwise from lower left) Alan Krob, Dennis Roelker, Paul Beaubien, Duston Howard, Al Williams, Charlie Lowe, John Brown, Mike Slaughter, Charlie Lynch, Frank Rodgers, Bart Alford, Ed Glovinsky, George Bohl, David Linth, Bill Mooberry, Rick Island, Jack Papazian, and Bob Cole. Not pictured: Chip Wickens, Charlie Hunt, Len Maitland, and Ed Raker.
Unit 62A Tree of Oil Dinner
Toni Erickson
Don’t miss this fun time! On Jan. 24, 16 members from our neighborhood enjoyed an “educational dinner” with the owners Richard and Chef Freddie at The Tree of Oil. The store features olive oils, bourbon smoked sea salts, balsamic vinegars, and organic maple syrup. The chef prepares a fabulous meal incorporating their products to create a healthy gourmet dinner coupled with bringing your own wine if desired. Private dinner classes are limited to 19, whereas their monthly scheduled classes are limited to 15. More detailed information can be located on their website at [email protected]. Be sure to check them out!
Villas 43B Ladies Lunch and Fashion Show

Barbara Hall (left), Chico’s style expert, with Villas models Maureen Jones, Wanda Guidry, Fran Telles, Carol Maguire, and Georgia Horvath (photo by Sandy Horvath)
Susan Knox Wilson
“When your wardrobe consists of pieces that you love, styling an outfit will become second nature,” counseled Barbara Hall, Chico’s personalized and expert style advisor. Barbara worked with five volunteer models to demonstrate just how easy it is to look perfectly put together, how to add accessories to make a statement—and staged a fabulous fashion show in the Chianti Ballroom this past January.
Barbara also delivered fashion tips and trends to the 36 women who attended the PebbleCreek Villas Association (Villas 43B) Ladies Lunch and Fashion Show. Following the show, the ladies enjoyed a wonderful lunch buffet from PebbleCreek Events & Catering.
Lynn Seidel, who helped coordinate the event, enthused that, “It was such fun, I am going to do it again for my Singles Club.” Carol Maguire added, “Being a Chico’s model was a really marvelous experience and I loved my outfits so much, I bought them!”