Unit 34 Ladies’ Luncheon
Thanks to Viki Constable for planning our April Ladies Luncheon at the Vic Bar and Restaurant. There is nothing better than getting together with neighbors. The lunch featured fabulous food and incredible ambiance. Even better, The Vic features a beautiful and a magnificent indoor/outdoor setting against panoramic views of mountains and the Phoenix skyline. It was a little windy, so the ladies decided to enjoy their meal indoors.
The Unit 34 ladies usually plan six to eight luncheons a year to catch up on what is happening in their lives. This month’s luncheon was an excellent opportunity to say goodbye to the ladies leaving PebbleCreek for the summer and plan for another luncheon when they return.
Unit 44’s Fun Wine Tasting and Piñata Bashing

Unit 44 residents enjoying the around-the-world Cabernet tasting
Spike Razem
Last month, Unit 44 residents enjoyed back-to-back fun events: a private wine-tasting session at Total Wine, followed the next week with a Cinco de Mayo fiesta at the Oasis Pool.
The 17 wine enthusiasts who tasted the various Cabernets, “The King of Grapes,” were: Deb and Scott Crabtree, Rosetta Carr and Marc Johnson, Judy and Frank Gorski, Kathy and Larry Clark, Peggy Hayner, Laurie and Mark Eichkorn, Mary-Lou and Mike Stepien, Carol and Bob Adkins, and Dinah and Jim Miller.
Total Wine’s Wine Supervisor, Kathy Atkinson, guided us on an around-the-world sampling journey highlighting eight regions recognized for excellence in producing Cabernet varieties.
We were coached to recognize the wine styles and experience flavor profiles which varied significantly by region. Dark chocolate-covered expresso beans were used to demonstrate how flavors can be enhanced. Food pairing suggestions for wines from the various regions were shared as well. A big thanks to Mike Stepien, who organized this fun and educational event.
And, if that wasn’t enough excitement, Unit 44 residents then were treated to a Mexican fiesta featuring delicious south-of-the-border cuisine, along with a piñata bash to further celebrate the evening. Thanks to hosts Kathy and Larry Clark for organizing this fun event. Residents brought all the various ingredients from chips/salsa, cheese, tortillas, meat, Spanish rice, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, etc. plus tasty desserts to share. Then, we gathered for the celebratory cactus piñata bash featuring Jim Miller’s accurate swing of the bat. Muy buenos neighbors getting together sharing muy buena food, drinks, and conversation.
Good times continue here in PebbleCreek’s Unit 44!
Unit 62A – April Ladies’ Lunch

Pictured from left to right: Lynn Banks, Sheryl Lipp, Barb Downey, Joan Ausman, Jackie Bachmann, Toni Erickson, Janelle Watts, Julie Greenbank, Renee Fisher, Bonnie Springer, and Laurie Wyman
Toni Erickson
The Unit 62A ladies lunch was held at Lakeside Grill within the Starpointe Residents’ Club, on April 14. This restaurant is located about 10 miles south of Estrella. It is a wonderful venue, and we were able to enjoy the weather on their beautiful patio. Half of the group stayed to enjoy a walk around the small lake located nearby.
Snowbird Pizza Party at the Oasis
Toni Erickson
An extra happy hour was added to the April calendar to honor unit 62A snowbirds who will be returning to their “winter” homes during the Arizona summer. All were treated (by the Unit’s funds) to appetizers and pizza at the Oasis Pool on April 12. It was another great reason to get together!
Unit 62A April Happy Hour

The men who agreed to represent the 42 neighbors in attendance are (starting with the happy guy in the black shirt) Maynard Lipp, John Geraghty, Bruce Banks, Rick “birthday boy” Langhals, Gary Bomar, Don Clinkinbeard, Tom MacKenzie, Gary Watts (standing), Mike Pruyn, and Tom Bachmann.
Toni Erickson
The April happy hour was held at the home of Bob and Toni Erickson on April 27, by the backyard pool. Unit 62A’s monthly happy hour lends itself for an easy get-together as everyone brings their own beverages and an appetizer to share. This is always a great opportunity to catch up with our Sheridan Street neighbors!
Portofino Coffee Gathering

Photo by Toni Erickson
Toni Erickson
Yay! Portofino is open again and the ladies of Unit 62A took advantage of this by doing a drop in for coffee on April 19, at 9 a.m. Portofino serves coffee and muffins at this time. Those who could fit it in their morning schedules were Marilyn Coates, Joanne Wrout, Jackie Bachmann, Judy Meservey, Barb Downey, Pat Gonzales, Sheryl Lipp, Debbie Forte, and Toni Erickson.