Unit 8 ladies celebrate fall at Dino’s Greek & Italian Grill!
Unit 8 welcome back luncheon
Alisa Moore
Continuing a trend noted in the spring and lasting throughout the summer, Unit 8 ladies definitely like to get together to share social fun and good food. More than 20 were at the October 18 luncheon held at Dino’s Greek and Italian Grill on Dysart to enjoy the excellent repast, put the final details on the Halloween Walk-About Trick or Treat event and confirm the November meeting held at Papa Paul’s.
The Walk-About, our inaugural, encouraged everyone to stroll the Unit 8 neighborhood, meeting new folks and re-engaging with those now back for the cooler temperatures, while exchanging treats; cookies, candy and wine were among those shared. It was a lovely evening and we look forward to next Halloween!
Our December Holiday Party is set for Thursday, December 13, 5:30 p.m. at Jane Holdcroft’s, 15336 W. Verde Lane. We welcome new members! Bring your favorite dish! We will be serving appetizers, salads, main dishes and desserts, so all contributions are welcome. To RSVP to Jane, email [email protected].

MaryKay welcoming Dennis.
Unit 20 fall picnic
Carolyn Rota
On October 27 Unit 20 held its Unit Picnic with 50+ neighbors, family and friends who enjoyed good food, fun games and wonderful people. Our many new neighbors mingled with the unit’s veterans and found that they had more in common than just living in Unit 20. We feasted on fried chicken, all types of salads and delicious cookies, pastries and a fantastic sheet cake. Great games, such as Take the Plunge, Fish for Donuts and Charades ending with “How well do you know your spouse” left everyone in stitches. A big thank you to all of Unit 20 that made this event so great. We now look forward to our Unit Christmas Holiday Get-together.
Unit 27A: It’s cooling down – let’s party
Camille Grabb
It was time to celebrate the temperature dropped below three digits!
On Sunday, November 4, forty-five Unit 27A neighbors gathered at the Schmidt and Grabb patios to welcome back our summer travelers, meet our new neighbors and breathe a sigh of relief the cooler temperatures finally arrived in the desert! Although those air conditioning systems installed by a company similar to CJS Heating & Air have been working a treat in the meantime. We’re so grateful the temperature has now dropped though!
The annual pizza, salad and dessert gathering is always hectic and fun. This year it was so much fun that we forgot to pose for our usual group photo; someone remind us next year, for sure!
This year, money collected above the cost of the event was donated to Kare Bears.
Unit 34 Welcome Back party
Photo by Kathy Aalto.
Unit 39 Ladies Luncheon
The Unit 39 Ladies Luncheon was held on November 6 at the Eagle’s Nest Restaurant.
Unit 51 Welcome Back party
On October 27 sixty Unit 51 residents made their way to the home of Lynn and Alex Lucas for our fall event, the Welcome Back Patio Party. It was a great turnout, where we welcomed some snowbirds after their summer away, saw faces we don’t often get to see, as well as got to know some of our newer neighbors. The lovely patio, beautifully decorated in fall decor, was the perfect setting for mingling, catching up, playing games and watching another amazing Arizona sunset. There was a great variety of food and beverages to be enjoyed by all; certainly another fun-filled evening for Unit 51!
Unit 51
Janet Miazga
November 8, another beautiful day in the West Valley, found a dozen of Unit 51’s lovely ladies at Abuelo’s Mexican Restaurant in Peoria for our monthly ladies’ luncheon. The hostess for November was Jackie Vandenberg and the girls enjoyed a delicious lunch while discussing what they’ve been doing lately and their plans for the upcoming winter season. Our fun-filled Unit 51 is looking forward to our annual Holiday Party on December 14, which could be our best one yet! Happy holidays to all!
Unit 52
Liz Gibson
The second annual Trivia Party on Sunday, November 4 brought out a big showing of enthusiastic competitors for the “not so fabulous” prizes. Held Sunday, November 4 in the Chianti Room at Tuscany Falls, the evening began with 5:30 p.m. cocktails followed by a delicious buffet dinner.
Then the games began, hosted once more by PebbleCreek’s fun Activities Director Melissa Kallett. Her crutches did not slow her down as she tossed out the movie and entertainment themed questions. Yes, we do have fun thanks to Social Chair Nancy Rosenfeld and Treasurer Rhae Jean Magnuson who take the reservations.
Unit 52 is looking forward to our last party of the year on December 2, the annual Holiday Party hosted this year by Sandy Kolls at her home.
Unit 52
Liz Gibson
The Social Committee of Unit 52, under Nancy Rosenfeld, threw a fun welcome back party on Sunday, October 21.
More than 70 residents enjoyed the casual afternoon in the common area between Alvarado and Monte Vista. Perfect weather, great appetizers and our party people made for a delightful afternoon. We were especially pleased to have a wonderful turn-out of some of the many new residents to the unit.
All 130 lots in Unit 52 are now built up, so we also celebrated the end of construction.
Unit 53
Sandy Stephens
Dave and Betty Jean Kennedy hosted the November Unit 53 Happy Hour in their art filled home. Betty Jean is an accomplished artist and long-standing member of the PebbleCreek Art Club. Dave and Betty had a house and patio full of neighbor friends joining them for food and drink and a birthday celebration. As always when Unit 53 friends gather, a good time is had by all.
Unit 53
Sandy Stephens
Sandy Stephens hosted a Unit 53 wine and cheese get-together October 22 for 15 lovely ladies. Everyone was greeted by Sadie the resident dog. Unit 53 gals enjoy an array of activities from luncheons, bunco, wine and cheese happy hours, meeting for morning coffee and, of course, monthly happy hours that include the men. We all feel fortunate to live among neighbors we consider good friends.
Unit 54
Barb Dunson
It was a rewarding two hours on Tuesday, November 13 for neighbors in Unit 54 to give back in ways of sorting, packing, reading expiration dates on cans, tossing out and honestly getting to appreciate all we are so grateful for living in PebbleCreek. The need is great to have food on the table when life sometimes hands out lemons to struggling families. Great big thanks to amazing Beth Kelly, Nancy Popenhagen, Bob Rottman, Diane Rottman, Steve May, Donna May, Patti Bryant, Pat Gray, Julie Kemper, Steve Kunkle, Cheryl Kunkle, Karen Rubsam, Kay Stone, Steve Domholt, Cindy Hurst, Mike Hurst, Joette Lookabaugh, Kayrene Braden, Steve Braden, John Caldwell, Kaye Caldwell and Barb Dunson.
Unit 58
Ed Raker
The most-recent session of the Unit 58 Men’s Breakfast convened on Halloween morning, where we enjoyed another delicious meal at the Eagle’s Nest dining room. Fortunately, no one arrived in costume, although there were one or two whose dress might be construed as one.
We were especially pleased to welcome back Mr. Richard De’Caneva, who had to miss one or two meetings and is now recovering well from recent hip replacement surgery.
Members also were kind to bring donations of used clothing for the homeless, in support of the substance abuse clinic at Banner Thunderbird hospital.
We expect to assemble again one more time this year at a date to be announced in early December.
Unit 58 Happy Hour
Susan and Jon Jackson hosted the Unit 58 Happy Hour on Friday, October 19. Unit members gathered for cocktails and appetizers on the patio, taking advantage of the beautiful Arizona evening.
Unit 61 Halloween Happy Hour
Unit 61 neighbors enjoyed a very happy Halloween on Wednesday, October 31 at the Unit’s Halloween Happy Hour. There were only treats and no tricks. A big thank you goes out to Frank and Carol Pierce, David and Ronna Todd and Chuck and Kris Gillum who converted their driveways into “party central” for the evening’s festivities. Everyone had a great time and it just may become an annual event.
Unit 62A happenings
Barb Downey
Fall has finally arrived in Arizona and Unit 62A welcomed the month of October with the final Pool Party of the season at the Oasis Pool with pizza galore! A few of our summer travelers were back in town, so we had a great time catching up on all their adventures.
Our St. Mary’s Food Bank monthly volunteering event was great fun along with some hard work, as we created over 200 boxes of assorted vegetables and packed food bags for the homeless clients. It’s a good team bonding time as well as a very worthwhile cause that we look forward to each month.
The monthly happy hour was held at Jim and Barb Downey’s home where each neighbor brought a dish to share as well as their own drinks for the evening. We were so pleased that many of our new neighbors who are in the building process were able to join us! Also that evening we celebrated the birthdays of Jackie Bachman, Jim Downey, Terry Fisher and Dave (Ausy) Ausman. Wedding anniversaries of Ellen and Jeff Johnson, Julie Shelton and Tom Bowman and Dawn and Mike Razem were also toasted in celebration.
One of our off-site activities was attending Titanic, the Musical at the Arizona Broadway Theatre. We enjoyed cocktails and a nice dinner before the play. Another very well attended event was watching the Arizona Cardinals beat the San Francisco 49ers! We have several 49er fans in our unit, so it was great fun as the game went back and forth between these two 1-6 teams! We had such fun tailgating before the game, thanks to the planning and cooking by Lynn and Bruce Banks!
The highlight of the month was the fabulous Halloween Block Party with a record number of 54 neighbors attending, with most in costume! We blocked off part of the street, set up tables and chairs and enjoyed a buffet of wonderful potluck dinner and dessert items along with some unique Halloween libations. The costume contest was won by Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez, aka Lynn and Bruce Banks! Another terrific month on Sheridan Street in Unit 62A!