Mama- mia! What a meal!
Unit 8 takes a quick trip to Italy
Shawnee Robison
At Toscana’s, here in PebbleCreek, on Tuesday, August 18, 14 lovely ladies, from Unit 8 took control of the Board Room!
Armed with the menu, featuring fresh Caesar salad, to Cornish game hens with wild rice, your choice of a side dish and our senior budget, we ordered our lunch!
Our wait-staff had their hands full, but did an excellent job in handling all our requests! Jane Holdcroft, our fearless hostess with the mostest, called our monthly luncheon meeting to order as the hot out of the oven rolls arrived!
We all got to meet the new señoritas on the block over our terrific meals and enjoyed each other’s company while we caught up on everyone’s spring and summer happenings! So nice to know and see your neighbors close up, isn’t it?
We’re looking forward to fall here in Eagle’s Nest!
Unit 52 luncheon
Liz Gibson
The Unit 52 Ladies Who Lunch (and are in town) had a delightful get-together and lunch at Mimi’s Café Wednesday, September 13.
Hosted by Connie Belina, the ladies were the first to hear about the October Unit party as the invitation just went out that afternoon.
Unit 52 has 11 luncheons each year for the ladies every month except December and four Unit parties, usually in the spring, summer, fall and December. Nancy Rosenfeld is Social Chair for Unit 52.
Unit 61 – Welcome fall
Kathy Gorchesky
Unit 61 Social Committee held a goodbye to the hot summer and Welcome Fall lunch.
Over 62 neighbors attended this buffet lunch held at Tuscany Falls. Several prizes were awarded including movie tickets and ice cream gift cards.
The members of Unit 61 social committee are planning fun and exciting events for the fall. The committee is pictured left to right: Shirley Seymour, Joanne Schneider, Kris Gillum, Karen Wilgus, Joan Kelichner, Adrianne Beck, Sue Sink, Pat Hacker, Tina Wang, Geri Mantucca, Marykay Derby, Carol Pierce, Donna Craven, Leslie Lamiell and Kathy Gorchesky. Missing members are Vicky Schweiger and RuthAnn Mitchell. The upcoming events include a holiday dinner party, neighborhood luminaries and neighborhood caroling. During Unit events, neighbors continue to give back to our community by collecting canned goods to be donated to the local food banks.