The ladies of Unit 20 enjoyed their annual Christmas luncheon at the Olive Garden.
Unit 20 Happenings
Carolyn Rota
On December 1 twenty-five ladies of Unit 20 enjoyed their annual Christmas luncheon at the Olive Garden. It was hosted by Yolanda Laborin and Carolyn Rota. This luncheon was also the opportunity for our Unit to collect gifts for the New Life Center, which is a refuge for women and children in a crisis situation. So many wonderful items were collected, some toys, but many for the moms and older children too, plus a number of gift cards. It was the Unit’s honor to invite Marina Pappas, the Community Development Volunteer Coordinator, to join us for lunch. Marina explained what the New Life Center does for these families and how the gifts are distributed. She was so appreciative of our generosity. We also welcomed two new residents to our Unit, Sue St. Peter and Georgia Williamson.
Everyone had a delicious lunch and went home with a warm feeling in their heart. What a great way to start off the holiday season.
Unit 27A Neighbors admire the arts
Camille Grabb
Check another item off their bucket list!
Neighbors in Unit 27A had the Bashas’ Western Art Gallery at the Company’s headquarters in Chandler on their to-do list and on Thursday, December 8 they did it!
Eddie Basha, Jr., who sadly passed away three years ago, began collecting western art in 1971 as a hobby encouraged by his beloved Aunt Zelma. Their focus was always, “one of love, respect and great admiration” for the artists and art pieces. The amazing collection expands from oil paintings, watercolors, acrylics, pastel and charcoal drawings, pen and inks, bronze, wood and natural stone sculptures, wood-turned bowls, basketry (some from the 1800s), pottery, kachinas and jewelry. Assembled over many years, today the collection has grown to over 3,000 pieces!
Visitors to the gallery quickly realize that this vast private collection is meant to be shared by many. The warm welcome by the staff, the cost (free), and the up-close viewing makes this an Arizona gem that is not to be missed!
After leisurely touring the gallery, the neighbors gathered for a fun lunch at Portillo’s, a “Chicagoland tradition since 1963.” From their beef-n-sausage sandwiches to healthy salads, it’s a yummy place to eat!

Left to right: Kearin Kasper, Sue Harrison, Marilyn Reynolds, Ellen Enright, Carolyn Suttles, Carol Sanders, Jane Hee, Kathy Hubert-Wyss, Barbara Patrow
Unit 37 Cookie Exchange
Linda Grabau
The Unit 37 Christmas Cookie Exchange for Tuscany Falls Golf Cart Caroling was held on Saturday afternoon, December 3 at Linda Grabau’s home. A special thank you to the nine bakers that brought a tasty array of cookies! The cookies were then put into decorative containers to be distributed while we were out Golf Cart Caroling. Plus, we all got to take home some cookies to enjoy and everyone knows that Christmas cookies have no calories! Thank you to all the Unit 37 Golf Cart Carolers for spreading some Christmas cheer to your fellow PebbleCreekers!
Unit 40 holiday brunch
Diane Passafiume
Eagle’s Nest was the location for the Unit 40 Holiday Breakfast Brunch. What a perfect way to start your day. Enjoying some delicious food, sharing fellowship with neighbors and friends and celebrating the holidays; what could be better? This is also the time of the year that Unit 40 makes its annual donation to the food bank. Thanks to the generosity of its residents several pounds of food and several hundred dollars in monetary donations will be donated to the Agua Fria Food Bank to help make those less fortunate enjoy a bountiful holiday. Thanks to Dick and Sherry Atwater for hosting the event.

Showing the gifts for the HYC students are Unit 42-A residents Renee Kotler and Jan Homan.
Unit 42A shops for homeless students
Renee Kotler
The residents of Unit 42-A have continued their annual tradition of Christmas shopping for homeless students sponsored by the Homeless Youth Connection. As in previous years, the students provided a wish list and a needs list with a total limit of $50. This year, for the first time, the donors were asked to fulfill both lists if possible, with a limit of $100. Sufficient donations were collected to fulfill both lists for 10 students, but with the help of some great shopping expertise and the generous discounts provided by J.C. Penney and Nike, the Unit was able to extend the giving to 20 students. Each year the wish list items seem to present a unique challenge to shop. This year, it was a wish for a tuba mouthpiece. Needless to say, being able to provide for double the number of students was a reward unto itself. Merry Christmas to all!
Unit 42B donates to Kare Bears
Tom and Mary Ann Bose
On December 3 the annual Unit 42B holiday martini party and Kare Bear fundraiser was held at the home of Bill and Joey Arnold, hosted by the Arnolds and Terry and Janice Rossi.
Neighbors all brought dishes to share. In additional to the food and drink a backyard putting contest was conducted.
Residents generously donated $2,650 to Kare Bears to assist them in continuing their mission of Neighbors helping Neighbors.
Please let us know if you needed any additional information.

Party organizer Wanda Guidry (standing) announces the door prize winners.
Unit 43B celebrates the holidays
Susan Knox Wilson
It seemed like it was cold enough for snow when the Villas neighbors gathered on the patio at Dillon’s Restaurant in early December to celebrate the holidays — but with a few patio heaters, along with a few holiday drinks, it was a warm and cheery party. Kudos to event organizer Wanda Guidry who greeted guests, got everyone to participate in the “guess how many chocolates in the holiday gift box” and made sure everyone had a rollicking good time.
Unit 51 holiday party
Carol Adkins
“More rapid than eagles their coursers they came”—to the annual Unit 51 Holiday Party on December 9! Fifty neighbors and friends gathered at Portifinos for cocktails and appetizers. When “what to our wondering eyes should appear”—there wasn’t the usual piano near! But thanks to the quick thinking of our music director, Doug Christensen, the group sang several acapella carols and ended with our liveliest rendition yet of The Twelve Days of Christmas! The event continued in the Chianti Room with dinner, raffle prizes and dancing. Many thanks to the decorating committee—-Faye Sessoms, Pam Harper, Sandee Matteucci, Jerri Christensen and Carol Adkins for the beautiful table decor and special thanks to Janet Miazga for emceeing the event and for her thoughtful and reflective speech!

The fabulous table set-up
Unit 52 Trivia Night party
Liz Gibson
Sunday, November 13 almost 80 Unit 52 partygoers met in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room for a Welcome Back Trivia Night party. Following a cocktail hour a wonderful buffet of pulled pork sliders, herb-roasted chicken, salads and dessert was served. Then the games began. Hosted by popular Melissa Kallett who emcees PebbleCreek’s Trivia games, the subject was Movies and Entertainment and continued for a number of funny and intense rounds; everyone competed not only for their reputations but the really big prizes of theater tickets, popcorn and candy. It was a totally fun evening and may be the premiere of others to come.
Unit 52 holiday party
Liz Gibson
More than 90 residents of Unit 52, the party unit, gathered for a festive, sold-out evening Sunday, December 4 in the Chianti Room at Tuscany Falls.
The cocktail hour in the Long Bar was hoping for an hour before everyone went in for dinner at the beautifully decorated tables. The menu of prime rib, salmon or vegetarian was terrific and Hal Martin Entertainment kept everyone on the dance floor until late.
Our active Social Committee under Leann Drummond scored again. Arrangements were made by party chair Nancy Rosenfeld, Meg Chrisman and Connie Belina – and we all thank you!
The Social Committee meets in January to plan our four major parties for 2017.
Unit 53 railroad adventure
Sandy Stephens
Life Long Learning sponsored a Verde Train and Blazin’ M Ranch trip November 16. The Verde Canyon Railroad is a heritage railroad running between Clarkdale and Perkinsville. The Blazin’ M Ranch is a dinner theater offering chuckwagon chow, cowboy show entertainment and western-themed shopping. Our Unit 53 Life Long Learning lead for the trip was Rosalie Pyle with Rosalie and Lisa Greenhoot our co-escorts. Rosalie’s friend Jack, Tim and Brenda Rollogas and Michael and Sandy Stephens joined in on the fun day; good company and interesting scenery with lots of informative narrative. The trip was enjoyed by a whole bus load of PebbleCreekers.
The men of Unit 61
Unit 61 was well represented at Golf Cart Caroling. Men and women of Unit 61 enjoyed this heartfelt evening. The event was successfully planned by Linda and Rod Grabau with over 150 participants visiting neighbors that needed some holiday cheer. After the caroling, the carolers totally enjoyed the festive sounds of Holiday Harmony. Mark Gorchesky, Bill Greenhoot and Carl Halladay played happy holiday songs and a few polkas, too.
The neighbors have really enjoyed getting to know each other through various activities including book club, Bunco, beading, Mexican Train, Mah Jongg, lunches, dinners, volunteering at St. Mary’s Food Bank and Putters Club. They have even made very cool purple shirts with the words Unit 61 & Friends. Much more fun for all of Unit 61 is planned for 2017.
The men of Unit 61
Unit 61 was well represented at Golf Cart Caroling. Men and women of Unit 61 enjoyed this heartfelt evening. The event was successfully planned by Linda and Rod Grabau with over 150 participants visiting neighbors that needed some holiday cheer. After the caroling, the carolers totally enjoyed the festive sounds of Holiday Harmony. Mark Gorchesky, Bill Greenhoot and Carl Halladay played happy holiday songs and a few polkas, too.
The neighbors have really enjoyed getting to know each other through various activities including book club, Bunco, beading, Mexican Train, Mah Jongg, lunches, dinners, volunteering at St. Mary’s Food Bank and Putters Club. They have even made very cool purple shirts with the words Unit 61 & Friends. Much more fun for all of Unit 61 is planned for 2017.