Unit Reps wanted
Vickie Hamilton
Summer is here and the Unit Rep Committee will not be meeting in July, August or September but we will be reporting on Unit Happenings and will keep residents updated on what is going on in PebbleCreek. The PebbleCreek Unit Rep Committee is comprised of volunteers who are dependable, creative, caring and energetic. The purpose is to make it easy for homeowners to get acquainted with the PebbleCreek lifestyle and to offer community information through personal contact and/or emails.
Unit Reps value the PebbleCreek Community and do so by promoting social events—go to pebblecreekhoa.org website for more details. The Unit Rep Committee Chairs provide two-way communications between the residents and the HOA.
The next Unit Rep meeting will be held Monday, October 12, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. in the Chianti Room in the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse. Residents are encouraged to attend to learn more and to become involved in the community. For additional information contact the Unit Rep Co-Chairs Janet Miazga at jem73@sbcglobal.net or Bob Young at robertrey1@aol.com.
Unit 20
Shawnee Robison
Unit 20, from Eagle’s Nest, got together on May 7 at the Golden Corral. The Terrific 12 enjoyed the wonderful buffet, camaraderie and the beautiful afternoon! We’re looking forward to next month!
Unit 34
Bob Young
Unit 34 honored our men and women who serve the United States Armed Forces with a special display of American flags to celebrate Armed Forces Day. We also paid tribute to our nation’s brave peace officers.
As in the past Unit 34 had a special display of American flags to celebrate Armed Forces Day. This year we added LED solar lights with the American flags and placed them along the street in front of every house as our tribute to our men and women who serve the United States Armed Forces and to honor our nation’s brave peace officers.
The holders are empty soda cans and water bottles filled with sand. We added a solar LED torch light and an American flag and covered the soda cans with duct tape.
For the most part the weight of the sand allowed the flags to withstand the winds and remained upright for several days. They look neat during the day but really shined at night.
A special thanks to Howard Jenson for his help placing the flags down the street.
The first Armed Forces Day was celebrated on Saturday, May 20, 1950. The event stemmed from the Armed Forces’ unification under one department – the Department of Defense. On May 15, 2010 our PebbleCreek Armed Forces Plaza was dedicated honoring all the veterans that have served our country in both peace and war time. The Plaza respectfully honors the service of past, present and future members of the United States Armed Forces or those of our allies by the installation of pavers in their honor.
The Plaza currently will accommodate 3200 pavers. To date 1060 have been installed so there is still room for more. Anyone interested in honoring a loved one or a friend should contact the Activity Center or check the clubhouse’s front desk for forms.
Unit 52
Liz Gibson
Twenty-six ladies from Unit 52 enjoyed a delightful patio lunch at Raven at Verrado Country Club on Wednesday May 13.
The weather was perfect, the food absolutely wonderful and everyone mixed around talking between the two tables. Carolyn Minichiello was hostess and planned the luncheon.