Unit 51
Carol Adkins
The Unit 51 ladies have travelled north, south and east for their monthly luncheons. On April 14, twenty-four ladies headed west—to The Vic at Verrado. The weather was perfect for patio seating, the views were amazing and, as always, conversations were lively! Many thanks to our April hostess, Beverly Graham, for selecting this wonderful venue!
Carol Adkins
Despite that the summer exodus from PC land had already begun and many of our friends and neighbors had moved on to cooler climes, we still had a nice turnout as fourteen ladies attended the May 12 luncheon. Thanks to Irene Gonzales for making the arrangements at BJ’s Restaurant in Peoria. The food and service were excellent and some gals even took advantage of the shopping in the area. We wish everyone a happy, safe summer wherever you and/or your travels may find you and look forward to your return this fall when we can once again resume noshing with neighbors!
Unit 52
Liz Gibson
Romano’s Macaroni Grill was the setting for the Wednesday, June 9 monthly luncheon for the ladies of Unit 52. In addition to the delicious food everyone had a delicious time chatting and welcoming new two-year renter Marian Price. Hostess for the luncheon was Anita Walsh.
Although many of our snowbirds have left for the summer the unit will have some up-coming casual summer events in addition to the on-going fun and games.

Having a sunny day!
Unit 61
Kathy Gorchesky
Neighbors of Unit 61 shined at a recent Wednesday morning putters club at Tuscany Falls. These West Monte Vista neighbors have been having fun putting the 18 holes. Just fun—isn’t that what it’s all about?
A hot June evening was cooled off just a little with an ice cream social at a lovely neighborhood home.
Chocolate, sprinkles and whipped cream, oh my!
In addition to putters club, some group activities that have been enjoyed by the neighbors are men’s lunches, ladies lunches, a cruise on Lake Pleasant and game nights. Empty lots are disappearing and being replaced with gorgeous homes and new neighbors ready for more social somethings.
Unit 53
Sandy Stephens
Susan Jackson invited the Unit 53 gals for brunch at her stunning home in Unit 58. Susan spoiled over 20 of us with an elegant brunch. It was such a treat to be able to mingle among the tables in Susan’s great room and outside on her inviting patio rather than getting together at a restaurant at a long table where we only get to chat with the person to our left or right through most of lunch. Susan’s sister, Linda Larsen, lives in Unit 53 and it is a tie as to who is the most gregarious. The gals in Unit 53 are fortunate that Susan has joined our active and friendly group. She has hosted several Unit 53 Happy Hours along with get-togethers for the gals.
Sandy Stephens
Pat Marinelli was the host of our May Happy Hour May 19 at her lovely decorated home. Pat and her darling dog Abby greeted all the guests and everyone brought food to munch on and drinks. It didn’t take long for there to be standing room only inside and outside because of our growing Unit 53 and how much we all enjoy getting together for our monthly Happy Hours. We have become a close knit group.
Unit 54
In June the ladies of Unit 54 got together for Happy Hour to catch up with each other and have fun! Priscilla Wardlow hosted the party with special help from Pat Biancardi and everyone brought yummy hors d’oeuvres and beverages. With so much to talk about the time passed quickly and everyone enjoyed visiting. Golf balls that have been found in Priscilla’s back (and front!) yard were used for a game to determine who would arrange the next get-together. The moral of that story – watch out for the shiny ones!