Unit 5 happenings
Carol Maas
On April 1, 36 Unit 5 residents met at the Chianti Room at Tuscany Falls for a great evening. Starting in the bar for cocktails and great conversation, we then moved to the dining room for the Italian Buffet. The room was well decorated and set up so small groups could sit together. The food was delicious and well presented. We look forward to getting together again in the fall.

Unit 6 Turtle Tasting
Unit 6 – Turtle Taste
Sheila Jacobson
Some of the residents of Unit 6 and friends got together at the home of Steffen and Sheila Jacobson on April 9, without rain thank goodness, for a lovely day to enjoy the treat of Turtles! We had a Turtle-Taste! You may recall, fellow PC resident Xiu (Show), had samples of her homemade Turtle candies and took orders at this year’s Parking Lot Sale. I was too late. That’s when a light bulb came on. I’ll have a Turtle-Taste for the Unit and friends! A great group gathered for yummy snacks and beverages, then on to the Turtles for dessert! They are delicious. There’s always a food-related activity in our Unit—what will be next?
Unit 17 Block Party
Judy Ayers
The Unit 17 again outdid themselves with a wonderful block party in their own cul-de-sac with 70 of their neighbors and sharing lots of appetizers, salads and desserts. With everyone bringing their own beverage and chair, everyone could easily join in and meet the new and old neighbors in Unit 17. Melissa Kallett planned some good mixer games before and after dinner that everyone enjoyed with lots of prizes given away. A great time was had by all! A big thank you goes to the Block Party Committee: Lee and Judy Ayers, Pat Horyna, Jim Snider, Diane and Jim Harmon, Marsha and John Alderink, Don and Patti Richter, Marietta Billups, Diane and Glen Doering, Alice Dice, Arlene Pluth, Joan and Bob Carlson, Alfreda and Joe Miles and Linda and Jerry Maule.

Left to right, back row: Claudine Zielinski, Elaine Yielding and Helen Abraham; front: Shawnee Robison, Gail Montgomery, Rosemary DeAngelo, Jackie Rice, Yolanda Laborin and Lois Hanson. Photo by our waitress Leticia.
Unit 20 luncheon
Shawnee Robison
“Olé!” we said, as we were greeted by the waitress, Leticia, when we entered Arriba’s Mexican Grill on Thursday, March 7, 2016.
Our lovely Unit 20 hostess, Claudine Zielinski, was already waiting for us as we were seated at our cozy table in the corner of the Jungle Room! At each place setting we found an adorable little handle bag ‘o goodies filled with sweet treats, prepared with love, from Claudine!
Mildly spicy bean and salsa dips accompanied the homemade tortilla chips that were brought promptly to our table. Beverage orders were taken as we played catch up and welcomed a new member to our Unit luncheons, Lois Hanson.
While most of us took advantage of the lunch special, Chicken Chimichuri (red or green sauce) with rice ‘n beans, the others decided to be more adventurous! Even though it took a little time getting our entrees we all enjoyed our afternoon together rekindling our friendships!
Minutes from last month were read and approved. The next hostess, Rosemary DeAngelo, was selected for May’s luncheon. All in all we had an ole! kind of day! And, we’re all looking forward to May! Adios, Amigos y Amigas!
Unit 22 luncheon
Liz Gibson
22 ladies from Unit 52 had a most delightful luncheon at Vic Restaurant & Bar up in the hills of Verrado on Wednesday April 13. The view and food were both outstanding and our hostess Carol Collins received large plaudits for organizing the event.
The Unit is looking forward to their Spring Party Wednesday, April 20 at Sunrise Park which has a delectable catered menu and lots of planned activities.

Unit 27A residents pose with a Goodyear celebrity.
Unit 27a – Spring Training
Christy Zemke
It was a night of fun, food and fireworks—and we were there!
Unit 27A neighbors along with family and friends (41 fans!) gathered for a perfect night game on Saturday, March 19 in the upper right field pavilion at the Goodyear Ball Park. What a great surprise to see the GoodTime Gals neighbors sitting at the next tables enjoying the festivities, too. It was a special night because the Goodyear Ball Park celebrated its 1,000,000 fan! Sadly, the lucky winner was not among our group.
The sell-out crowd got their money’s worth when the home team, Cleveland Indians, beat the well-respected Chicago Cubs 10 to 5. Our reflexes were challenged a few times as home run balls flew out our way, but we just don’t quite have the moves we used to—ducking the balls was more our style.
All those runs made for a l-o-n-g game, but everyone waited with anticipation for the fireworks to light up the sky. The pyrotechnics did not disappoint!
Our second annual night at the ball park was another fun night with our enthusiastic neighbors. Can’t wait to hear next year’s spring training “play ball” welcome!
Unit 42B Luke Air Show Party
Tom Bose
Residents of Unit 42B gathered on Sunday, April 3 to watch the aerial show above PebbleCreek. The get-together was hosted by Paul and Sandy Radice and was attended by the majority of the unit residents. As always a great time was had by all in attendance. The sights and sounds of the planes had people frequently looking to the skies. While planes were not overhead much socializing was going on as well as enjoying some great food and drinks.

Front, left to right: Ken Minichiello and Liz Gibson; back: Meg Chrisman, Carolyn Minichiello and Leann Drummond
Unit 52 Ballpark party
Liz Gibson
The first joint Unit 52 Men’s Social and Social Committee party was held Saturday, March 19 at the Goodyear Ballpark. Hosted by Men’s Social Chair Ken Minichiello and Leann Drummond, Unit 52 Social Chair, it was an early sell-out. Venue was the Party Patio where seating was at tables where everyone enjoyed a very good buffet dinner. Following the Chicago Cubs and Cleveland Indians game there was a fireworks display to end the fun evening.
Next event for the party unit will be April 20 at Sunrise Park, a Spring Fling catered affair.
Unit 53 luncheon
Sandy Stephens
Jim and Susan Donlan hosted our Unit 53 Happy Hour March 21. A large group of neighbors joined together to share good food and enjoy the lovely people that live in Unit 53. Unfortunately this will one of the last happy hours we have before our snowbirds leave us.
Unit 61 Social Somethings
Kathy Gorchesky
The Unit 61 social committee has been established and they are organizing several fun social events. Unit 61 includes Monte Vista Road which currently has several homes that are being completed. The entire unit will be 122 homes. The social committee is planning monthly events and activities to be inclusive of all the new homeowners. One of the first fun social somethings was a tea held at The Spicery in Glendale. A cocktail party was held at a newly completed home within the unit.
Saint Patrick’s Day was celebrated at Tuscany Falls Chianti Room with dinner and games for over 40 attendees.
The April event was lunch and the theater.
May will have all of the neighbors boating on Lake Pleasant. The men are planning monthly lunches and the ladies are planning a unique social something each month. The organizers of these activities are Nancy Rogers, Sue Frens, Carol Pierce, Kristine Gillum, Barb Staupe, Judy Dawson, Karen Wilgus, Tina Wang and Kathy Gorchesky. Sue Sink and Janet Race are the chairs of this social committee. They are planning to have many good times getting to know their new neighbors at PebbleCreek.