Kay Don proudly stands alongside A&M Corp of Cadets member and son of one of her former athletes at her induction.
On Sept. 6, Texas A&M inducted Linda Kay Don, resident of PebbleCreek Unit 62B, into the University Lettermen’s Association Hall of Honor. 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of women’s sports at Texas A&M, a significant milestone resulting in no small part from Don’s foresight and commitment.
Texas A&M Lettermen’s Association President touted Don as a visionary in women’s athletics. “As a lead trailblazer from that pivotal era, your foresight and dedication were instrumental in the creation and development of the women’s athletic program at Texas A&M. Your courage and determination not only opened doors for countless female athletes but also set a powerful example of what true leadership and commitment can achieve. Your induction into the Hall of Honor is a testament to the profound impact you have had on the Texas A&M community and beyond. Your unwavering commitment to excellence, coupled with your remarkable contributions to college athletics, serves as a shining example of individual greatness, and embodies the core values that define the Aggie spirit.”
Don served as a faculty member from 1972–1975. She served as Assistant Athletic Director of Women’s Athletics from 1975–1984. Additionally, she served as President of the National Association of Collegiate Women’s Athletics Administrators from 1983–1987.
Our appreciation and congratulations to Kay Don for her dedication to women’s athletics.