Tim Munson’s Very Special Hole-in-One

Tim Munson

I took up golf at the age of 66 when we moved from Bend, Ore., to PebbleCreek. I have now played 349 rounds and am a golf addict.

For many years I have texted my mother-in-law (Alice) each morning, who is now 96 living in Hood River, Ore. When I started golfing, she started asking me every once in a while “when are you going to get a hole-in-one” or “maybe this is the day.” Instead of saying it will probably never happen, I promised her that “I will get one before you turn 100.”

Well, Feb. 28 was just one of those golf days when I was on fire, same with my foursome, and all of us started off with some great shots.

On the par 3 on the east course 4th hole, I pulled out my Cleveland 6 iron, put my yellow Callaway on a short tee, looked at the sand trap in front of the pin, and thought why not, just hit the ball over the trap. Yeah, right.

The shot I envisioned actually happened as we all watched the ball head for the flag stick, just barely clearing the trap and dropping out of sight.


When we drove up to the green, I expected to see my ball in the middle of the green. The other guys walked up to the cup, and pointed down, and there was my ball!

The feeling is just hard to describe! It still feels great. And, now I can check this off my bucket list. A day to remember!

When Alice got my text with these pictures she called to congratulate me, and that was such a special moment, as she is the sweetest lady you could ever meet.

I said, “Alice, we did it, I didn’t do it, we did this together.”

Just maybe I’ll get another before she turns 100. If not, so be it. She and I had our one in the cup.