These jurors must decide a young man’s fate in a murder trial in next month’s PC Players’ production of Twelve Angry Jurors.
Laurie Farquhar
“Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Not guilty…”
In the jurors’ first vote at the beginning of the play, Twelve Angry Jurors, 11 people believe the defendant is guilty while one votes not guilty. What follows is an intense look at what happens in a jury room after all of the evidence in a murder trial has been presented in court. A young man’s life hangs in the balance. Can the jurors come to a unanimous decision? Will the basic rights and tenets of our justice system prevail?
PC Players is presenting the classic American drama, Twelve Angry Jurors, for only four nights, from Wednesday, March 6 to Saturday, March 9. Tickets go on sale both online and in-person in the Renaissance Theater lobby on Tuesday, February 12 starting at 8:00 a.m. After that, Ticketmaster Jon Lindstrom will sell tickets in the theater lobby every Tuesday and Friday, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.
Tickets can also be purchased online 24/7 by going to the PebbleCreek HOA website at www.pebblecreekhoa.org. Click on “Things to Do” and scroll down to “Ticket Sales.” The link to purchase tickets is about half way down the page. No log in is necessary. All tickets, whether purchased online or in-person, are $16.50 which includes the service fee.
Playwright Reginald Rose wrote his award-winning script for Twelve Angry Jurors after serving on a murder trial jury. It was his “first experience being on a jury and it left quite an impression.” Using this first-hand knowledge, Rose examines the challenging responsibility for 12 people of different educational, social and economic backgrounds to set aside their biases as they deliberate the fate of the defendant. Can they do it and fulfill the young man’s right to a fair trial by a jury of one’s peers? It might not be as easy as it sounds.