Austin Smith helps members understand Ranked Choice Voting at the Republican Club meeting on Oct. 5. (Photo by Todd Young)
Patricia Moore, President
On Oct. 5, the Republican Club welcomed a room filled with members, officials, and guests to our meeting in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Everyone was there to hear two dynamic speakers. First was Eric Hayes, who gave a powerful presentation on the history of Critical Race Theory. Many members thought they knew what it was, but Eric gave us a new perspective and shared his personal experience.
Next, Representative Austin Smith explained Ranked Choice Voting. This is similar to “open primaries,” which means that all candidates regardless of party are on the same primary ballot, thus eliminating the party specific ballots. The two candidates with the most votes, regardless of party, get to go on to the general election.
There will be one or two ballot measures on the 2024 ballot. Austin said that voters should be aware of what these are, as choosing one over the other could affect how voting in our state is done in the future.
We thanked Eric and Austin for such important information. An informed citizenry is critical to our state and to our country.