Republican candidates for superintendent of public instruction (left to right): Kim Fisher, Tom Horne, Shiry Sapir, and Michelle Udall
Camille Grabb
School daze … School daze…
On Feb. 3, the Tuscany Falls Ballroom turned into a classroom as the Republican Club members welcomed the four primary Republican candidates for state superintendent of public instruction.
As background, when PebbleCreek residents talk education, they include the Agua Fria Union High School District and the Litchfield Elementary School District (LESD). Before and after the meeting, Trey Terry, president of the governing board for the Agua Fria Union High School District, and LESD governing board members Dennis Dowling and Jeremy Hoenack were on hand to answer individual questions, describe the districts’ boundaries and school locations on large maps, and offer handouts about the organization of our local schools within each district.
The focus of the meeting was hearing from the Republican primary candidates for state superintendent of public instruction. Candidates on the panel were:
* Kim Fisher, a second-term member of the Deer Valley Unified School with a B.S. in education and an M.A. in accounting and finance.
* Tom Horne, an attorney, former superintendent of public instruction (2003-2011), and former Arizona attorney general (2011-2015).
* Shiry Sapir, a self-employed real estate entrepreneur, who served in the Israeli military assisting bereaved families.
* Michelle Udall, a high school mathematics teacher, who is currently a state representative and former member of the Mesa School Board.
After brief introductions by each candidate as to why they are qualified to run for the position, the panelists responded to questions submitted by the club’s members and read by the moderator, Vicki Streeter. The hot topics were Critical Race Theory (CRT) and teacher accountability.
All the candidates were available before and after the meeting to mingle with our members and answer questions. Candidates must collect signatures to have their name placed on the ballot, so petitions were available to sign, as well. Each candidate has a website with more information to explore.
In addition to the February membership meeting, on Feb. 19, the club welcomed candidate for attorney general Andrew Gould and candidate for state treasurer Jeff Weninger to a bonus meeting. The club’s monthly Men’s Breakfast and Women’s Luncheon gathered around good food and enjoyed great conversation. The Book Club, coordinated by Indy Rebhun, perused top-selling political books and met for spirited discussions.
For an up-to-date schedule and more specific details, be sure to scroll through the club’s website, PebbleCreekRepublicanClub.com. Meetings are open to members and guests. If you’re interested in attending as a guest, simply email Camille Grabb at [email protected].
Reminder, keep those Stars and Stripes flying throughout our beautiful community!