The Irish American Club Celebrates the Holidays

From left: Ric Sarro, Greg Roth, President Terry Roth, Terry Berner

Amy Volstromer

On Dec. 8, the Irish American Club held their signature holiday event, the Annual Holly Ball. The Holly Ball is an elegant evening and an opportunity for members to dress up in their finest, share good cheer, and a holiday dinner with friends. A few members were lucky to receive some fun door prizes. After dinner, the dance floor filled, accompanied by the band The Rave.

The stage was adorned with beautiful poinsettias and in front of the stage, a window lit with candlelight in the Irish tradition. The candle in the window at Christmas symbolizes many things in Ireland. It’s still a favorite traditional Irish Christmas decoration, harkening back to that ancient Christmas Eve when Mary and Joseph could find no shelter. Over time, the tradition changed slightly to become a beacon of hope for any passerby during the season. The lit candle signaled to strangers that there would be food and shelter in that home should they choose to ask.

The centerpieces were elegant, and included the traditional Irish holiday decoration, Holly. Did you know that the traditional Holly wreath you hang on your door at Christmas has its origins as an Irish custom? The Irish didn’t have Christmas trees to decorate their homes. Holly, famous for its abundant growth in Ireland, was used to decorate their homes. According to Irish tradition, the more berries there were on the holly, the more prosperous the New Year would be.

Happy New Year from the Irish American Club!