The 28th Annual Fall Home & Garden Tour Raised $15,200 for Shop with a Cop

Suzanne Butler, Publicity

The PebbleCreek Fall Home & Garden Tour Committee presented a check for $15,200 to Goodyear Police Chief Brian Issitt. The presentation was made on Dec. 14, 2024, at the Goodyear Police Station where a number of children were assembled to meet Santa, enjoy a breakfast buffet, and then head out with a designated member of the Goodyear Police department for a morning of Christmas shopping. Teachers, police officers, and crisis center staff choose Goodyear children-in-need to participate in the program. It was a very moving experience as each child shared their holiday wishes with Santa and Mrs. Claus.

Thank you, PebbleCreek, for your support of the City of Goodyear’s Shop with a Cop program. The Home Tour Committee and City of Goodyear Police Department thank those who attended the tour and so generously gave donations.

This event would not be possible without the PebbleCreek homeowners who graciously opened their homes to be on the tour. The committee would like to personally thank each of them! This year’s homeowners whose homes were on the Tour were Darlene McDonough, Ellyn and Alan Fine, Diana and Bob Wiedower, Louise and Larry Dick, Carolyn Moss and Sally Coon. Thank you to all our homeowners for opening their homes for this event.

As you may guess, we are already reviewing homes for the 2025 tour. If you are interested in sharing your home on next year’s tour, please contact Barbara Hockert at 303-550-9790 or Suzanne Butler at 618-789-2260.

Committee members are Wally Campbell, Chairman; Barbara Hockert, Homes and Homeowners; Charlotte Krause, Hosts & Hostesses; Janet Duke, Ticket Sales; and Suzanne Butler, Publicity/Program.