Susan White
A special thank you from Chairperson Lorna Anderson and to the following committees and their volunteers.
Awards: Thelma Lindhorn-Chair, Corrine Adams Chimera, Dru Bacon, Ken Kurtz, Laura Measles
Decorations: Grace Cooper-Chair, Jenny Schafer, Sandy Donovan, Lucy Kramer, Mary Cassil
Hospitality: Judie Harden–Chair, Ann Abke, Mary Gifford, Carol Poulson, Sylva Sheets
Ticket Sales: Tom Meek and Laurie Overson-Co-Chairs, Lorna Anderson, Linda Glazar, Jan Hansen, Janis Korba, Christy Zemke
Photographer: Judy Layton
Program Cover/Posters: Grace Cooper
Program Inserts: Jenny Schafer
Publicity: Sue White
Raffle Donations: Lorna Anderson-Chair, Joey Arnold, Jane Bacon, Joanne Burch, John Cacciola, Hilary Coltman, Janice Rossi, Debbie Safty, Debby Stoner
Raffle Ticket Sales: Jan Cosgrove-Chair, Nebbie Braun, John Cacciola, Karen Murphy, Bill Priebe, Kate Schimelpfening
Special Guest Invitations: Judie Harden and Grace Cooper
On behalf of Kare Bears, we appreciate all your hard work to make this year’s event another success!