Susie Anderson
With the new year comes a new PebbleCreek Tennis Club Board!
Our thanks for giving tennis mixer was so much fun thanks to the social format with no complicated scorekeeping. We were also happy to donate money towards the Therapy Paws program in which Kathleen Tyryfter and her dog Cooper work. Our tennis club’s 50/50 raffle raised $129 and with several anonymous donors’ gifts totaled $259. Each needy child receives their own book to keep and at school they read it to a specially trained dog. The dogs have proven to be better listeners than humans because they make no judgements. This is a very successful reading program that has shown to increase reading grade levels.
The annual PCTC Christmas Party will hosted 131 people this year. We are also happy to mention that 57 people have joined the club this year. Several had taken lessons from JR Lampley and then became members. With all of the great tennis offerings in the afternoons at Tuscany, everyone has a chance to play for fun or work hard toward improving their skills.
Check the website for Skills and Drills, Round Robins, Ladders, Drop In and Lessons.
Our next social will be January 13 and a Date Night mixer will be January 21. Also start thinking about finding a doubles partner for the Mixed Doubles or Nothing tournament coming in the early part of the new year.
Remember to drop off your yearly dues check in the Tuscany Hut’s lockbox. It is $30 for full membership and $15 for a social membership. You get so much for this small fee; great games, training and always a good bite to eat with wonderful people.