Tennis at PebbleCreek

Donna Gillen

Excitement is brewing on the courts as we “fall” into autumn. Our Tournament Director, Vikki Constable, and our Social Director, Sharon Connors, have been busy this summer planning events to kick off the next season of activities and adventures for our members.

First in the lineup is the return of the Welcome Back Social. Mark your calendars for this afternoon event on Sept. 14. Check the website at for additional information and to sign up.

In October we will have “Poker Tennis,” a competitive event with a new twist on prizes, and of course a social time with food and beverages. The date is Oct. 12. So dust off your racquets and be ready to enjoy an afternoon with all of us.

Grab your honey or your best friend/buddy and come to Date Night—an evening of fun, laughter, and food. Check-in time for play is 2:45 p.m., and the potluck dinner will follow in the Sport/Tennis Hut. The event is Oct. 22.

More competitive events are being planned for this fall. These will be different than in the past, and there will be one for the gentlemen and one for the ladies. The first one will be the “PebbleCreek Cup” for women on Oct. 25. The men’s event, “Men’s Doubles Championship,” will take place over three days, Nov. 6, 8, and 11. Great prizes will be awarded for these two new special events as well as a plaque with the winners’ names to be hung in the Tuscany Falls Sports Complex. If you have a sheer love for competition, this may be just right for you. Signups will begin in October. Keep your eyes posted on the website for more information.

On Wednesday, Nov. 15 we will have a Tennis Social honoring our beloved Jerry Santy. It will be a fun day of play, food, and socializing. Come out to be with Jerry and enjoy this day’s festivities.

All events will be posted on the website. As a club member you will also receive detailed information through email. There is always a limit to participants, so sign up early.

As always, if you would like to join the club, check out the website at The board is looking forward to welcoming all of you back for another year of play, fellowship, and good times!