Kim Bowie I’m not the best carver and certainly not the fastest, but I love carving. Before joining the club here, I tried my hand at chainsaw carving. Not the best hobby for a backyard in the city! PebbleCreek Woodcarvers has given me a quieter option and also much better socializing, which I do excel…
Tag: Woodcarvers
January 2025, Clubs & Classes
Carvers of the Month for January 2025

Jim Brown The PebbleCreek Woodcarvers are stepping away from convention and naming a group as carver of the month. As shown in the photo, the Woodcarving Club has carved a chess set out of golf balls. At the time the project was initiated it was envisioned as a fundraiser for the Creative Arts Center (CAC)…
April 2024, Generals
Woodcarvers Raffle Hawk to Benefit Vibrant Arts Community

Kathy Stauffer The PebbleCreek Woodcarvers Club is announcing another great raffle for a stunning Harris Hawk. This full-size hawk is often found flying around our community and landing in our trees and on our fences. The carving was initially carved by Jim Taylor, one of the original members of our carving club, who passed away several months ago. Jim’s…