Tag: Rug Hookers

Rug Hookers of PebbleCreek say goodbye to snow birds

PebbleCreek Rug Hookers at April party on Karen’s patio; Monika Jones, June Bennett, Barb Mauer and Sally Holmboe

Dee-Dee Patrick It’s that time of year again – when friends, neighbors and club members say “safe travels” to those who spend summers elsewhere and “see you in the fall” to one another. Like other groups, the Rug Hookers of PebbleCreek saw their attendance begin to diminish around mid-April. Each week is the last group…

Not all expensive things come in small packages

Rose Garden by Monika Jones

Dee-Dee Patrick The Rug Hookers of PebbleCreek have introduced you to Monika Jones in a previous article (March 2014). Monika is one of the original members of the group and the member who gives us more visibility through her classes and original designs. However, Monika even outdid herself recently. She was commissioned to create a…