Tag: pottery

For the Birds, a Pottery/Sculpture Club sponsored

Jeff Wilson For the Birds, a Pottery/Sculpture Club sponsored class taught by Ane Aune, was once again a huge success! Ane taught this class on Sundays to accommodate football widows and those who have little or no time available during the week. Everyone made two unique, colorful and imaginative bird sculptures. Ane will be teaching…

Pottery Club

Jeff Wilson The Pottery/Sculpture Club was saddened by the news of the passing of one of our most active and beloved members, Mary Lou Willison. Mary Lou participated in many of the pottery classes, making good friends with several club members. With each class Mary Lou became more and more creative, confident and willing to…

“For the Birds” pottery class

Jeff Wilson The newest PebbleCreek pottery class is “For the Birds”—a class where whimsical, humorous, decorative and elegant bird sculptures of all kinds are created. The class is taught by Ane Aune, who besides being a talented artist, is also an engaging and entertaining instructor. There were eleven students in the first class and based…

Pottery Club featured artist

Jeff Wilson The Pottery Club featured artist for June is Ron Santoro. Originally growing up on a dairy farm in Oregon, Ron and his wife Cindy now split their time between PC and Portland. Ron is a Vietnam Navy veteran having served on river boats and as a sniper. His after-service career found him working…

New opportunities for the Pottery Club

Jeff Wilson Recent months have seen a welcome expansion of opportunities for pottery club members. First, a new class has been added to the pottery roster. It is being called, For the Birds. This class is being taught by the talented and wonderfully entertaining instructor Ane Aune. Students will make two whimsical and colorful birds…

Handmade Pottery class

Jeff Wilson The March Handmade Pottery class proved once again that folks in PebbleCreek love expressing their creativity in clay and glaze. Everyone in the class made a minimum of four beautiful functional and sculptural projects including patterned bowls, large platters with appliqued embellishments, a traditional Japanese-style bottle and a patterned and appliqued luminaria. Examples…

Pottery Club featured artist

Jeff Wilson Affectionately known around the Pottery/Sculpture Club as the birds, balls and bowls lady, the Pottery Club featured artist for April is the Canadian born and recently naturalized US citizen, Ane Aune. Ane said after retiring and an extensive search for “an artsy and golfing community that would serve both hubby and me,” they…

Pottery Club expands opportunities

Jeff Wilson Over the last few months with the continuing growth of the pottery/sculpture club have come demands for more and varied classes. Besides the regular classes being taught on alternating months, including handmade pottery, clay jewelry, extruded clay pottery, clay masks and portrait busts, people are volunteering to teach others on the potter’s wheel,…

Pottery Club featured artist

Jeff Wilson This month’s Pottery/Sculpture Club’s featured artist is Carla Woodward. This native Californian has always tried to balance her left brain careers, accounting and finance, with her right brain creative interests including jewelry, beading, painting and pottery. Here in PebbleCreek, Carla pursues her artistic activities around her many fitness hobbies which include pickleball and…