Fred Dresser The PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association (PCSSA) spring season ended on Saturday, June 1, just as the temperature started to climb towards the triple digits. The season started on April 9 as five teams played nineteen games. For many of the players, these games were in addition to the thirty-nine games that they played…
Tag: PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association
Sports, June 2019
PCSSA celebrates the end of another season

Fred Dresser The PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association (PCSSA) celebrated the end of another softball season. Again, we saw some very competitive games along with the usual good-hearted harassment between the players. People often ask how the players get along. The answer is quite simple: friends before the game, friends after the game but during the…
Sports, May 2019
Take me out to the ball game

Fred Dresser The following was supplied by Dawn Hangen, PCSSA Director of Player Personnel and soon to be Vice President of the PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association. Dawn, thank you for all your hard work and we’re sure you will make a great VP. Approximately 70 PCSSA members, along with spouses, family and friends attended a…
Sports, May 2019
One season ends and another begins

Fred Dresser The PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association (PCSSA) concluded its 24th season with Questar Capital managed by Craig Hauger and Paul Zuckerbrow taking the title as league champions with an impressive thirty-four-win five-loss record. Tournament winner was PebbleCreek Steve with an eleven to four victory over Questar Financial. As always, PCSSA ends its season with…
Features, March 2019
PCSSA makes the news
Fred Dresser News flash! PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association (PCSSA) appeared on Channels Three and Five news broadcasts in January. It seems that your senior softball league is a league that all PebbleCreekers can be proud of. Not only were players interviewed but the broadcasts also showed the viewing audience what a tremendous Field of Dreams…
Sports, February 2019
PCSSA prepares for mid winter season

On Saturday, December 29 a group of PebbleCreek Senior Softball (PCSSA) players gathered at the field to prepare the field for the resumption of play on January 5, 2019. After almost a two-week hiatus, the players and the field are ready to get back into shape to resume play. Contrary to popular belief, our Field…
Sports, December 2018
PCSSA 24th season underway

Fred Dresser Opening Day for the PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association (PCSSA) was October 20. What a beautiful day for an opening day as 168 players, family members and friends gathered under a clear blue sky for the opening ceremonies. Opening day is a special day for PCSSA players. The opening ceremonies start with an introduction…
Sports, August 2018
Softball season concludes

Fred Dresser It was a dark and stormy night in Arizona on June 15 that caused the final games scheduled for Saturday, June 16 for the PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association (PCSSA) to be cancelled due to the rain! Well, a little water didn’t stop the players from enjoying some great pizza from Barro’s Pizza at…
July 2018, Generals
Softball gaining popularity at many Robson Resort Communities
Sherry Jackson, RCI Corporate Communications Living at a Robson Resort Community provides residents with countless activities, recreation and social opportunities. Residents can join pickleball teams, play a round of golf or hit the tennis court. But one sport, not always associated with active adult living, is on the rise-softball. “Softball at Robson Ranch Arizona, located…
July 2018, Sports
PCSSA news – the heat is on
Fred Dresser That’s right, sports fans. The heat is on as the six teams that make up the PCSSA spring softball season do battle as the temperatures start their rise to the triple digits. By the time you read this, the season will be over and these brave but foolhardy souls will cool down as…