The Ballroom Dance Club invites all residents of PebbleCreek to sign up now and join us at our popular weekly group dance lessons, located in the dance studio at Tuscany Falls (enter through the side door). We invite couples and singles alike. If you are a single, we rotate so everybody has a partner. In…
Generals, October 2024
Learn to Ballroom Dance the Easy Way!
The fall season of PebbleCreek (PC) dances is upon us. The PC Ballroom Dance Club (PCBDC) invites all residents of PebbleCreek to join us at our popular weekly group dance lessons, located in the air conditioned dance studio at Tuscany Falls (enter through the side door). We invite couples and singles. If you are single,…
Generals, July 2024
Ballroom Dance Summer Series
Flori Parham, Secretary of the PC Ballroom Dance Club The Ballroom Dance Club invites you to our summer dance lessons—couples and singles are welcome! Lessons will be held every Tuesday in the comfortable, air-conditioned dance/fitness studio (east of the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse). July 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 1 p.m.—Beginning Waltz 2 p.m.—Intermediate Waltz…
Generals, December 2015
PebbleCreek Ballroom Dance Club invites all to “Come Dance with Us”
Nancy Herrem We have such a deal for our January 22 PCBDC dance! Not only will PebbleCreek favorite Thaddeus Rose provide the music, but if you renew your PCBDC Membership (or become a member) at $15 per person, your ticket to our January dance is free. First, pay your membership dues, continue on and show…