Tag: PC Lady Niners

Lady Niner news

Left to right: Pat Kaer, Anna Schuchman, Tina Stepzinski, Lynn Havens, Sharon Adamy (not pictured Diana Martell

Suzanne Butler The PebbleCreek Lady Nine Hole Golf Association will have three teams competing in the upcoming AWGA 2015 Nine Hole State Medallion Championship Tournament to be held at PebbleCreek on January 17. The teams will consist of Tina Stepzinski and Lynn Havens, Sharon Adamy and Diana Martell and Anna Schuchman and Pat Kaer. The…

PebbleCreek Lady Niners news

Lady Niners at Palm Valley

Suzanne Butler PebbleCreek Lady Niners Enjoy Play at Falcon Dunes The Lady Niners took advantage of playing the Falcon Dunes course at Luke Air Force Base on October 13. It is always special to play at Falcon Dunes and the maximum 44 spots available were filled quickly by the Lady Niners. It was a gorgeous…

PebbleCreek Lady Niners enjoy “away games”

PebbleCreek Lady Niners enjoy after golf social time at the Wigwam Club

Suzanne Butler The PC Lady Niners have been playing away games the past few weeks while the PebbleCreek courses were closed for the annual overseeding. It’s fun to visit other clubs and courses but always good to get back to our beautiful PC courses. The Lady Niners offer a big thank you to the course…