Kare Bears’ Holiday Program – Wednesday, December 21 Susan White Mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 21, 2016 to join in on the Kare Bears holiday program! This special event will take place at the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom at 11:00 a.m. There will be musical talent for you to enjoy some familiar holiday carols. More…
Tag: Kare Bears’ Korner
Generals, September 2016
Kare Bears’ Korner
June donations – thank you, donors! Sue White The Kare Bears Board wishes to acknowledge the following donations received in June. General donations were received from the following individuals: Clark Neal, James and Judith Anspaugh, Larry and Kathleen Janda, David Willison, Fred and Mary Alice Robinson, Martha Labelle, Red Amrhein, Bob and Hope Ewest, Terry…
Generals, August 2016
Kare Bears’ Korner
Calendar of events August 4: Diabetes six-week workshop – Milan Room August 18: Abrazo Tour and Lunch September 13: Blood Drive – Palm Room September 15: Abrazo Tour and Lunch September 21: Kare Bears Monthly Presentation September 29 Pathways Tour and Lunch October 7: Hearing Tests – Tuscany Falls, Milan Room October 11, 18, 20,…
Generals, May 2016
Kare Bears’ Korner
Annual meeting June 15 Sue White The annual meeting of Kare-ing Neighbors, Inc., d.b.a. Kare Bears, will be held on Wednesday, June 15, 2016, at 11:00 a.m. in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. Written yearly reports of the Board of Directors will be available. The election of directors will follow for open positions. All residents of…
Generals, March 2016
Kare Bears’ Korner
Generals, January 2016
Kare Bears’ Korner
Dr. Nieri speaks on healthy aging January 20 Kare Bears would like to invite you to hear Dr. Walter J. Nieri speak at the Kare Bears monthly presentation on Wednesday, January 20. The presentation will be at 11:00 a.m. at the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. Dr. Nieri will be discussing current and future trends in life…