Marilyn Reynolds The PebbleCreek Hiking Club elected two new officers for two-year terms for the 2021-23 seasons. Laurie Rosenbloom was elected as the new secretary, and Marilyn Reynolds was elected as the new president. Previously elected and remaining in office for another year are Joe Clarkson, vice-president and Dennis Zigmunt, treasurer. The new season will…
Tag: hiking
Clubs & Classes, October 2021
PC Hiking Club Diary
Hikers Celebrate an Important Milestone Kris Raczkiewicz Healthy competition and friendly rivalry are part of most sporting activities, and hiking is no exception. In 2016, new retirees Wayne Wills and Dennis Zigmunt joined the hiking club. The pair spent their first year in the club vying for the title Rookie of the Year, a crown…
Clubs & Classes, September 2021
PC Hiking Club Diary
“B” Hikers Enjoy a Familiar White Tanks Loop Lynn Warren Goodyear and PebbleCreek received some welcomed rain on July 25, but on the next morning, nine “B” hikers completed a 10-mile, 1400 ft. loop on the scenic Ford Canyon and Willow Springs trails in the White Tanks. Although the hikers were expecting the trails to…
Front Page, August 2021
Cool Hiking in the Grand Tetons
Lynn Warren While Phoenix temperatures were consistently hitting triple digits, three Hiking Club couples headed north for a week in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park and enjoyed great weather, with temperatures topping out around 80 degrees. If you haven’t been to the Tetons, the mountains are magnificent and offer great hiking. On June 28,…
Clubs & Classes, August 2021
PC Hiking Club Diary
Backpacking on the Arizona Trail Lynn Warren Many Hiking Club members no longer want to sleep on the ground, even on a comfortable air mattress. However, there are still a few who engage in backpacking adventures a few times a year, and on May 26, four backpackers began a four-day, 66-mile adventure covering several passages…
Clubs & Classes, July 2021
Hiker Celebrates Milestone as Club Bids Adieu
Lynn Warren After 15 years of hiking with the club, on May 12, Pete Williams led a large group of hikers on his 1,600th hike, a record for the club. Marilyn Reynolds, club president, provided an appropriate cape, crown, and pedestal for Pete and engaged in a little good-natured roasting before congratulating Pete and thanking…
Features, June 2021
9K Hiking Milestone
Stephen Nathan PebbleCreek resident, Dave Kiesling, completed a hiking milestone on April 11. He hiked a cumulative 9,000 miles on that date since Jan. 1, 2016. Dave has hiked alone because he prefers solitude. He likes to take pictures and hikes at his own pace. He has hiked national parks, national monuments, state parks, county…
Clubs & Classes, May 2021
PC Hiking Club Diary
Clubs & Classes, March 2021
PC Hiking Club Diary
Clubs & Classes, March 2021
Hikers Meet at Lunch in the White Tanks
Lynn Warren Because of COVID restrictions, club hiking groups are limited to no more than 12 hikers and meet and depart from separate PebbleCreek areas. On Jan. 29, a cool, partly cloudy morning, the B hiking group and the C group unexpectedly met on the exposed rock ledges above Willow Springs in the White Tanks.…