Mary Neeley The PCLGA hosted the annual Red/Green Tournament on December 8 and 9 at the Tuscany Falls and Eagle’s Nest Golf Courses. The theme of the tournament was, Do You Want to Build a Snowman? The ladies were greeted by little snowmen on the first tee of each course. With the weather in the…
Tag: golf
Sports, February 2016
Two Jerrys split the 2015 PCMGA Hole-in-One prize
Howie Tiger There were two members of the PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association who shared the 2015 Hole-In-One prize and coincidentally both were named Jerry. The prize money of $2,140 was split evenly between Jerry Treece and Jerry White. When PCMGA members renew their membership, $5 is collected from each member who wishes to participate in…
Sports, February 2016
PCM9GA announces “Beat the PROS and PREZ” tournament results
Erv Stein On December 17, our PCM9GA group conducted still one more of a seemingly series of exciting and innovative tournaments which this time was Beat the PROS and PREZ utilizing both of our Tuscany Palms and Lake Courses. About 86 golfers participated including our two PebbleCreek Golf Pros, Jason White and Dave Vader and…
Sports, February 2016
PCM9GA correction
An incorrect caption was given for the photo above in the January issue on page 68. The corrected caption reads: From left are Luanne Brown, John Brown, JoAnne Clements, Ray Clements, President PCM9GA, Sandy Wold, Pat Moore, Maryanne Skirnick, Jack Skirnick, Doug Wainwright, Linda Shaver and Steve Shaver.
Sports, February 2016
McGinnis receives national golf superintendent award
Pat Ingalls The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) plans to bestow one of its highest honors on Paul McGinnis, CGCS (Certified Golf Course Superintendent) at a ceremony February 9 at the association’s annual Golf Industry Show in San Diego. McGinnis, Director of Golf Course Maintenance for PebbleCreek, is one of three honorees slated…
Generals, February 2016
Does the PebbleCreek Irish American Club have a Pot of Gold waiting for you?
Sports, February 2016
Jesko and Krasna repeat as Super Senior Champions in the AGA Club team championship
Howie Tiger The “dynamic duo” of Richard Jesko and John Krasnan continued their fantastic two-man scramble play to capture their second consecutive Arizona Golf Association Club Team Championship title in the Super Senior (age 70 plus) division. The championship final round was held at the Blackstone Country Club on December 14. This year’s journey started…
Sports, February 2016
Pro’s Corner
Jason Whitehill, Director of Golf Q. My swing speed is slowing down as I age. What shaft should I have in my clubs? A. A good way to determine what shaft flex is suitable is to try the different flexes at one of many demo days we have here at PebbleCreek. A regular shaft might…
Sports, January 2016
PebbleCreek Lady Niners news
Suzanne Butler What a way to start the Niners’ golf season with a Kick Up Your Heels theme! This was a sell-out event with 144 golfers eager to get back in the swing with the Lady Niners. Co-Chairs Karen Morgan and Pat Englemann did a wonderful job organizing all aspects of the day. Decorating Committee…
Sports, January 2016
PCM9GA 5th annual holiday party a success
Erv Stein On Thursday evening, December 10, approximately 200 PCM9GA members and guests gathered together at our Tuscany Falls Ballroom for our fifth annual Holiday Party which turned out to be a truly memorable and genuinely fabulous affair. Our terrific night of dining and dancing festivities began at 5:30 p.m. with a no host bar.…