Tag: golf

PCMGA conducts 2017 Two-man Scramble/AGA Team Qualifier

Senior Division Qualifiers, left to right: Bill Todd, Mike Moy, Bruce Carlyle and Butch Schoen

Howie Tiger The PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association annually conducts a two-man scramble event which serves a dual purpose. It is a regular men’s day tourney, but five teams also qualify to enter the Arizona Golf Association’s Club Team Championship. The tourney was played on Thursday, September 7 at Tuscany Falls. The senior qualifying teams (age…

A new putting course every week

Rene Lefebvre (left) and Ken Hahn

Maureen Campbell Variety is the spice of life and one of the keys to improving your putting skills. Each week, The PebbleCreek Putters Club offers its members a fresh new look at the Tuscany Falls practice putting green. The locations of the 18 practice holes are set by the Tuscany Falls golf staff; however, for…

A cool idea from the PCLGA!

Left to right: Cheryl Skummer, Deb Smedley and Layne Sheridan enjoyed cool towels during a summer round on the course.

Marilyn Reynolds The cooler temperatures are arriving now, but it was not so long ago that we well remember the long, hot summer of 2017. Many ladies in the PCLGA golfed regularly on Tuesdays through the heat these past four months. During this period we experienced a record-breaking 122 degrees on June 20. On the…

Lady Niners look forward to a busy season

PCL9GA Officers—-Loreen Greer, treasurer; Patty Greene, president; Barbara Hockert, president-elect; Melissa D’Onofrio, secretary

Pat Kaer The officers of the PebbleCreek Lady Nine-Hole Golf Association and many other volunteers are busy planning a fun year for the Lady Niners. September began the season with a joint golf day where Sun City Grand golfers were invited to Eagle’s Nest on September 26. October will feature two away play days-—Verrado on…

PCM9GA July Shamble tournament highlights

Shamble winners, left to right: Erv Stein, Jim Quattrone, Rick Goodwin and Tom Pizzello

Bruce Hulbert On Thursday, July 27 on the Tuscany Falls Palms Course, 44 Men’s 9-Holers played in a Shamble Tournament. The Shamble format requires all members of the foursome to tee off and the best drive is selected. From that best ball site all members then play their own ball through the hole. The team…

PCM9GA general news

Bruce Hulbert Consider membership in our organization! PCM9GA was informally started in 2003 by a group of golfers who were not particularly interested in strict competition and only wanted to regularly play nine holes. The association became a reality in 2004 with a Constitution and Bylaws and membership in the Arizona Golf Association. The original…

A good Putt can make your day

Nick Spadaccini (left) and Dee Reynolds (right) share putting skills with Karl Bachman

Maureen Campbell There are many great reasons for golfers to improve their putting. For starters, a putt of six feet counts the same to your score as your long drive off the tee. And if you haven’t hit all the best drives, when you arrive on the green your putting skills give you the opportunity…

PCMGA Summer Sizzler lives up to its name again

Howie Tiger The PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association conducted its annual Summer Sizzler tournament on Wednesday, July 26 and Thursday, July 27. Like last year, the temperatures this summer have been super high ranging between 110 to 122 degrees for long stretches making the name for this two-day competition an appropriate one. The format was individual…