Deanna Mendiola The first tournament of the Ladies Arizona Summer Survivor Invitational (LASSI) league was played at Corte Bella Country Club in Sun City West, June 4, with a field of 100 players (50 two-person teams). Congratulations to PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association players, Kathi Curtis and Donna Havener, who won first place in Flight 1!…
Tag: golf
July 2018, Sports
PCLGA players participate in the AWGA four-ball state championship tournament
Deanna Mendiola On May 7-8, 2018 four PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association members ventured to the Arizona Women’s Golf Association’s (AWGA) Four-Ball State Championship. This is the AWGA’s first championship of the 2018 season and was held at Sewailo Golf Course in Tucson with a field of 70 players. Sewailo is universally recognized as one of…
July 2018, Sports
PCM9GA promotes Pace of Play initiative
Christopher Mucha Recently, the Golf Channel declared June as Pace of Play month. PCM9GA, “the Niners” have taken on the challenge to help improve the Pace of Play here at the PebbleCreek Golf Courses. Vice President, Trevor Ballinger, is taking the lead within the club, with his POP Committee, to promote this initiative. “Pace of…
July 2018, Sports
PCLGA members play in the Central Arizona Golf District May Tournament at Alta Mesa Golf Course
Deanna Mendiola On May 14, 2018 the Central Arizona Golf District (CAGD) two-person, best-ball tournament was held at Alta Mesa Golf Course in Mesa, Arizona, with 80 players participating. The PebbleCreek teams were Carol Sanders and Linda Thompson, Barbara Patrow and Kathy Hubert-Wyss. Carolyn Suttles was partnered with Kelly Lathrop from Alta Mesa and won…
July 2018, Sports
PCLGA honors the 3rd annual International Women’s Day of Golf
Deanna Mendiola The third annual International Women’s Day of Golf was celebrated by 60 PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) players on Tuesday, June 5…wearing either red or orange in recognition of this significant, world-wide event. The event is held each June on the same day around the world. In the past three years, thousands of…
July 2018, Sports
Dick Ruder and Brad Johnston score aces at PCMGA event
Howie Tiger On Thursday, May 24 Dick Ruder and Brad Johnston both scored holes-in-one on the Eagle’s Nest course during a PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association weekly tournament. Dick made his on the 8th hole and a few hours later, Brad made his on the 4th hole. Dick Ruder: Dick hit his 6-iron from the white…
July 2018, Clubs & Classes
PCM9GA hosts Goofy Golf Tournament
Christopher Mucha On May 31 PCM9GA, the “Golfing 9ers,” set conventional golf on its ears here at PebbleCreek with a Goofy Golf Tournament. The event was set as a tribute to retiring President Monte Page and retiring Vice President Mike D’Onofrio. That’s the point where everything normal changed. Most of all you know about conventional…
July 2018, Sports
Nancy Moore scores an ace
Deanna Mendiola Congratulations to Nancy Moore for having a hole-in-one on No. 13 of the East Course at Tuscany Falls on June 5, during the PebbleCreek Ladies Association’s celebration of International Women’s Day of Golf. Nancy just moved to PebbleCreek in March and joined the PCLGA. She said, “The ladies have been so welcoming and…
Sports, June 2018
PC Men’s and Ladies’ 9 Hole mixer
Bruce Hulbert On April 19, in perhaps the windiest afternoon of the year to date, PCM9GA and PCL9GA held their annual 9-hole mixer event. A record of 172 members from the two associations participated in the event which was a four-person shotgun scramble played in three flights, one on each of the three Tuscany Falls…
Sports, June 2018
Chuck Veltri and his son Eric win PCMGA Member/Guest Match Play event
Howie Tiger Chuck Veltri and his son Eric were the overall Match Play Format winners of the 2018 PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association 23rd annual Member/Guest tournament. The tourney was held on Thursday, April 26 at Tuscany Falls and on Friday, April 27 at Eagle’s Nest. Immediately after regulation play was concluded on Friday, the overall…