Paul Johnson Awarded 50-Year Pin by the GCSAA

Howie Tiger On Feb. 1 Paul Johnson was presented with a pin by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) for his active membership for 50 consecutive years. This award was presented to Paul by the association’s president, Kevin Breen, during their national Conference & Trade Show held here in Phoenix. Paul’s son, Michael,…

Golf Course Maintenance – protecting our valuable assets

Paul McGinnis, Director of Golf Course and Common Area Maintenance, met with Congressman Trent Franks recently to explain issues in the golf industry locally and on a national level. Paul serves as the golf industry contact for GCSAA in Arizona.

Vickie Hamilton After the builder and architect are gone, a golf course needs constant and attentive care. Golf course maintenance staff help enhance both the playability and the visual appearance of a golf course. Professionals who work on golf courses understand and respond to the unique needs of the particular golf courses and work to…