Tag: Expressions Gallery

Expressions Gallery closed for refurbishment

Sherry Blatner There are some key dates to be aware of in July regarding the entire Creative Arts Center, including the Expressions Gallery. Plan your shopping junkets for the first week of July only, with a time-out for the usual Fourth of July holiday celebration. Both the Gallery and the Center will be closed from…

Expressions Gallery – gift wish list

Sherry Blatner There’s a really important holiday fast approaching—Father’s Day on June 17. Now, we’re not just talking about your husbands, but also sons and sons-in-law. The Expressions Gallery is ready to fulfill your shopping needs. While you may not be welcome in his man cave, wouldn’t it be fun to decorate? There are some…

Expressions Gallery – 2018 resolutions

Sherry Blatner It’s a New Year and we all have great resolutions to ponder. No. 1. Exercise more. First step – walk over to the Creative Arts Center or park far from the front door if you feel the need to drive. Enter the building and stroll through the halls to enjoy all the showcase windows…

Expressions Gallery – shop local

Sherry Blatner Shopping greetings to you and yours! Remember, tomorrow is the Holiday Fest in the Creative Arts Center; however, if you do miss it, the Gallery is open almost daily in December for your shopping adventures. We’re here to help you enjoy the holiday season from the comfort of your own neighborhood. Gallery hours…

Expressions Gallery – It now computes

Sherry Blatner Like everything else in the Creek, the Gallery is now under the aegis of the Northstar computer system. Many thanks to the incredible Gallery staff who underwent extensive training on system use and a new process of art intake and sale. I am happy to report that the Gallery is now fully stocked…

Expressions Gallery – Turn on your GPS

A sample of fun things you’ll find at the Gallery.

Sherry Blatner Rev up your engine, grab your wallet and come over to the Creative Arts Center. I usually suggest you come on down at the end of these articles, but I have learned through the PebbleCreek grapevine that some folks newer to PebbleCreek don’t know where we are. Here are two choices for finding…

Expressions Gallery – A Touch of Glass

Candidate Russ Galewski

Sherry Blatner Fall is coming—on the 22nd. It’s time to explore a new image for yourself and your home. What better medium to explore than glass, made from the heating of sand and chemicals, a perfect desert complement. Take a look at a special work entitled Tree of Life. It is made of iridized glass,…

Cool ideas at Expressions Gallery

Sherry Blatner This is the season to dream of cool places to visit, and what better place than the Expressions Gallery and Gift Shop? The gallery is stocked with items that will make your summer truly enjoyable. Indulge in a small package of specialty goat milk soap. While languishing in your tub, relax to one…

Expressions Gallery “wood” you believe

Well, Hello There is the title of the featured painting; also highlighted are a carving of three quail in a row running across a picket fence, a wooden pencil box with a ceramic tile focal piece and walnut candle holders with hammered copper inserts.

Sherry Blatner As the summer temperatures settle in at 110 plus, I think you’d believe anything that had a cooling sound to it. Hold that thought; remember to plan for December 2, PebbleCreek’s own artist’s festival held indoors at the Creative Arts Center to avoid the chill in the air outside. And, you only have…