Tag: Expressions Gallery and Gift Shop

Expressions Gallery and Gift Shop – It’s a wrap!

Sherry Blatner In the accompanying photo, three lovely PC residents are gazing in awe into the Gallery showcase window while each is wearing a unique handmade shawl made by a talented resident artisan. You, too, can wrap yourself in a beautiful treasure from the Expressions Gallery. Hurry in and be stunned by the full array…

Expressions Gallery and Gift Shop open for business

Sherry Blatner We made it through July and the wait is over—the Gallery and Creative Arts Center are open! The newly refurbished spaces will inspire your creativity and fulfill your shopping pleasure. Many thanks to the staff and volunteers who ensured the work would be completed in just three weeks. It was a huge effort…

Expressions Gallery – May calendar

Sherry Blatner Lots to celebrate and honor this month: May 11, Military Spouse’s Day; May 13, Mother’s Day and May 28, Memorial Day. And with no specific date in mind, many graduation days! Expressions Gallery is here to fulfill your unique home design and gift-giving needs. The creative spirits amongst us who specialize in sewing…

Expressions Gallery – Spring Into April

Sherry Blatner It’s been spring for the last 11 days so it’s time to lighten the colors of your life. Think pastels and bright white, pink, yellow and green. Add shimmer and you’re bound to gaze upon a wonderful array of glass sun catchers dangling in the middle of the Gallery. These wonderful and colorful…

Expressions Gallery – How sweet it is

Sherry Blatner Ladies and gentlemen, the clock is ticking (and yes, we have a hand-carved one for sale). Only 14 shopping days left until Valentine’s Day. I bet you have a heck of a list, including spouse, significant other, BFF, children, grandchildren and even a pet. Well, guess what, the Expressions Gallery is newly stocked…

Expressions Gallery – spring is here

Sherry Blatner Finally, after watching all the newscasts of bad weather everywhere but in the Creek, spring officially arrives on March 20. It’s time to refresh your wardrobes and home furnishings. Just march into the Creative Arts Center and explore all the possibilities. There are amazing choices of wall art available for you to purchase.…

Expressions Gallery & Gift Shop

Darling Dangles dolls

Sherry Blatner Yes, the full name of the Gallery includes the phrase, “Gift Shop”! I know it’s just November 1, but have you checked your calendar recently? Hanukkah begins on Christmas Eve and Kwanza begins the day after Christmas. It’s time to start planning for all your holiday gift needs and then shop right here…

Expressions Gallery from the eyes of a true fan

Shawnee Robison Hey all you PebbleCreek gift seekers! When was the last time you went to — or thought of — our own, beautiful Expressions Gallery and Gift Shop? Located in front of the Pickleball courts at Tuscany Falls, the Gallery holds a plethora of exciting, useful and fascinating items and handmade crafts just right…