Tag: Democratic Club

Democrats Step Up Volunteering

Gillian Driscoll In case it has escaped your notice, this is an election year! PebbleCreek (PC) Democrats are stepping up to fill all kinds of voluntary positions to ensure Arizonans experience safe and fair elections. There are many different ways to be involved in the democratic voting system we are blessed to have in our…

PebbleCreek Democratic Club to Meet in June

Gillian Driscoll 2024 is an important year for voting. November brings the election, and all citizens need to be informed about their local as well as national candidates. The PebbleCreek Democratic Club usually ends their season with the last meeting in May as many residents leave for cooler climes. However, in this important year, the…

Democratic Club Enjoys Socializing at Sunrise Park

After some unseasonably cool weather, April 6 turned out sunny and perfect for a gathering at Sunrise Park! Around 40 seasoned and new PebbleCreek Democratic Club members gathered in the balmy temperatures to enjoy good company, food, and fun at the park. The festivities began with mingling and conversation and continued with the consumption of…

Democratic Club Meeting in March Welcomed Candidates

Gillian Driscoll The PebbleCreek Democratic Club held their monthly meeting on March 7. There was an excellent turnout of members and guests to hear and appreciate candidates for office in the November election. The evening was filled with speeches from candidates seeking to be on the ballot in November. In Arizona, candidates must receive a…

Democratic Club to Host U.S. Senate Candidate Ruben Gallego

The PebbleCreek Democratic Club is pleased to host Representative Ruben Gallego at their April meeting. Representative Gallego is the son of Hispanic immigrants and a veteran of the Marines. He has represented Arizona’s Congressional District 3 in Congress since 2014. He is a graduate of Harvard University. Prior to running for the Senate, Representative Gallego…

Democratic Club Welcomed Ballot Initiatives Speakers

Gillian Driscoll At their February meeting, the Pebblecreek Democratic Club welcomed speakers to inform members about two important issues that they hope will gain enough signatures to be on the ballot at the November General Election. Members heard speeches from Larry Thomas about the proposed Arizona Abortion Access Act and from Paul Johnson on the…