Tag: Bocce Ball

April Bocce News

PC Bocce Ball Association The last of the 2021-2022 bocce league session, the spring session, will end on Friday, April 29. The PebbleCreek Bocce Ball Board would like to extend their thanks and appreciation to all the bocce members for their continued help in keeping us safe and healthy. We are slowly getting back to…

Bocce News

Carolyn Rota On Feb. 25, registration for the spring 2022 bocce session ended. The bocce winter session will end on Friday, March 4. The spring session will start on Tuesday, March 15, and run for seven weeks and end on Friday, April 29. Captains, be sure you have enough players to have six people ready…

Bocce Ball Association Gives a Helping Hand

PebbleCreek Bocce Ball Association Board February has always been midway in the winter league. We hope everyone is having a great time and meeting wonderful people. It’s now time to think about signing up for the spring bocce league. Registration begins on Feb. 1 and ends on Feb. 25. The spring bocce league starts on…

Bocce Ball Update

We are just warming up! Yes, the winter season has just begun and is rolling along. George Washington built his personal bocce ball court in the 1780s and helped set the precedent for presidents and American citizens. Now, bocce ball is the third most participated in sport next to golf and soccer. With over 500 players on…

Bocce Ball Bulletin

Bocce originated via the Roman elite on gravel and has been upgraded to the 495 PebbleCreeker elites. Yes, the fall leagues have begun and are rolling along. Wednesday and Friday mornings start at 8:30 a.m. and Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. You are invited to come and watch the action. Winter session registration starts online…

Bocce Ball Update

Jack Williams Here we go again! The bocce balls are brand new and ready to roll. New registration at www.quickscores.com/pebblecreekbocce concluded on August 31. If you missed the sign up, contact Tom Bose. Orientation is scheduled for Sept. 9 at the Bocce Ball Facility at the Eagle’s Nest at 9 a.m. Come and learn the…

Winter Bocce Leagues Update

First place Mongos, winter Wednesday session

Carolyn Rota The winter bocce leagues ended on March 26. With the cooperation of all the teams that played, we were all safe and healthy and are ready to start the spring leagues. It was, once again, decided to make a donation with the prize money to a worthy organization. On Tuesday night, first place was…

Bocce News

Teams Ba Da Bing and The Boccegalupes

Carolyn Rota Happy new year and congratulations to all the players who participated in the 2020 fall bocce session. All the planning by the bocce board to keep our members safe and healthy seems to have paid off. Because everyone played by the rules, wore masks, kept social distancing, followed the various procedures to sanitize the…

Bocce News

Teams Club 21 and Court Jesters wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy Hanukkah.

Carolyn Rota, Public Relations Yahoo, bocce started and we’re back to having fun! Since Oct. 21, the PebbleCreek Bocce ball members started rolling and the 2020-21 bocce season is looking great. All the planning by the bocce board to keep our members safe and healthy seems to have paid off. Also, a big part has to do with…

Bocce News

Let the fun begin!

Carolyn Rota, Public Relations The day has finally come. On Oct. 21 the PC Bocce Ball members started rolling and began the 2020-21 bocce season. The Bocce Board, along with the HOA, worked diligently so we could once again go to the courts and play in a safe, healthy, and fun way. Of course, there…