Chapter Q celebrates the holidays with our Heritage Elementary campers.
Ronnie Levine
Last month Chapter Q initiated new member Phylice Walton and we’re very excited to have her join us. This month we are planning a breakfast ‘meet and greet’ with our fellow PebbleCreek chapter, Chapter P. Then in March we will celebrate Founder’s Day with all three Arizona chapters.
We will begin to plan our “shower” and shopping days for the new 4th grade girls who have been selected at Heritage Elementary in Glendale to attend camp this summer.
T.T.T. Chapter Q is actively looking for new members from the PebbleCreek Community to join our chapter. We meet throughout the year in the PC Clubhouse and hold a yearly fundraiser to be able to help the girls chosen by their teachers to go to Girl Scout camp for a week in the summer. We supply everything for the camp experience plus donate school supplies for the following year.
For over 100 years, the T.T.T. National Society has been dedicated to helping girls attend camp, which we feel is a great place for girls to stretch their abilities, build self-confidence, and learn to see the wider world.
For questions about T.T.T. Chapter Q, please contact Edrena Alexander: text or call 703–963-5456 or email erajda@msn.com.