T.T.T. Butter Braids are delicious

The Kucks enjoy Butter Braid samples.

The Kucks enjoy Butter Braid samples.

Laurie Overson

When Ann Kuck tried the apple Butter Braid at the Eagle’s Nest kiosk last month she said, “Oh John, this is delicious! You’ve got to try it.” And he did, willingly, as you can see. We hope you got a chance to come by and try a sample of a T.T.T. Butter Braid for yourself so you, too, could be shocked at how delicious they are. Our fundraiser this year was very successful and we thank all of you who ordered from us. We will send six deserving girls to camp this summer.

March is a busy month for us. We will have a pizza party at Barbara Robey School where we will get to meet the lucky girls selected to go to camp and let them know about the wonderful adventure that is in store for them this summer. Some of our members will shop for supplies for the campers and some other members will go shopping with the girls and their mothers. This is when our reason for being in T.T.T. really comes to life for us. It’s quite moving to be part of an organization that can make such a positive difference in young girls’ lives and we truly appreciate all of you who have helped T.T.T. Chapter AZ-P do so by being so supportive of our fundraisers.