Summer’s in Swing for Tennis!

Ladies of summer from left to right: Carolyn Curley, Jeanne Schimmelpfennig, and Carol McKenna

Donna Gillen

The dog days of summer are upon us. Fortunately, we have had some nice monsoons and, as of this writing, seasonal temperatures. For those of us who have braved staying here in PebbleCreek these months take note—there are still many things to do here.

At the Eagle’s Nest courts, there is Men’s Drop-In Tennis every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday starting at 7 a.m. If interested in joining the group, check out courts 1 through 4 at those times. On Mondays and Wednesdays, the Ladies’ Drop-In commences at 7 a.m. on Eagle’s Nest courts 1 and 2.

The Amigos (Tu, Th, Sat, Sun) and the 3.0 (M, W, F) men’s groups play on the Tuscany courts. Please contact Charlie Reinert at [email protected] or 623-251-5804 for the Amigos, and Doug Stansfield at [email protected] for the 3.0 group. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have with regard to participating with one of these groups.

The Ladies Night tennis is in full swing. Please contact Bernadine Helrieger at [email protected] for information and to register with this group.

If you are down at the courts during the week, sign up to find a partner or group to play with inside the Tuscany Falls Sports Complex (Tennis Hut).

Please be safe this summer, stay hydrated, and enjoy the relaxing times before the onslaught of activities return in October.