State Parties

Nebraska Party

Susan Jackson

For all PebbleCreekers with Nebraska ties, please come join us for a Big Red Party!

When: Sunday, March 19, 4 to 7 p.m.

Where: Home of Jon and Susan Jackson, 1701 N 164th Drive (Tuscany side)

Dress: Casual and red, of course!

BYOB of choice and bring an appetizer to share. Plates, cups, and ice will be provided.

If you have a PebbleCreek name tag, please wear it. To help with preparations, please RSVP if you are able to attend and the number in your party to either:

* Susan Jackson, email: [email protected], phone: 480-518-4958

* Roxanne Loewenstein, email: [email protected], phone: 308-920-2571

Please spread the word to fellow Huskers, and come join us on March 19!

Oregon State Picnic

The annual PebbleCreek Oregon State Picnic for 2023 is fast approaching. It will be held on March 5 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Sunrise Park. As in years past, everyone is encouraged to bring an appetizer to share, your beverage, and your chair. Plates, utensils, and napkins are provided.

To come to the Oregon state gathering you don’t have to be from Oregon or live there now. You may not have started out there. You might be a Duck or a Beaver or neither one. Simply a love of the state, a good memory of a camping trip on the McKenzie, or maybe a grandmother who homesteaded in Eastern Oregon might be what connects you to the state. No entrance exam will be given prior to admission, but you must know how to pronounce Willamette and Oregon!

The traditional Oregon State Trivia Challenge goes on, so review your state facts, and see you all on March 5!

Pennsylvanians Celebrate Groundhog Day

Susan Kice

On Feb. 2, 2023, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and quickly darted back into his hole … uh-oh, six more weeks of winter! But we former Pennsylvanians, now Arizonians, were delighted to hear that we could enjoy six more weeks of winter and gathered to celebrate just that! Eighty-plus Pennsylvanians and a few “wanna-bes” gathered in the Chianti Room for a pasta buffet dinner and lots of games, surprises, and prizes. Cute cookies in the shape of a groundhog were provided by The Cookie Lady, Kathy Worwa.

One big surprise was that we had not one, but two native Punxsutawnians in attendance. Ed Marasco and Lou Tronzo are originally from that sleepy little town in western PA. Ed acted as Master of Ceremonies while Lou and Ed both educated and entertained us with snippets of how Groundhog Day is celebrated in their hometown.

A quiz on facts about PA showed how little or how much party-goers had forgotten or didn’t know about their home state. The winning table was rewarded with bags of “Smartfood” popcorn!

Dinner music was provided by Darrie Nowell with original music compositions.

Party-goers did see a photo of Punxsutawney Phil’s ex-wife, Phyllis, who has since retired to Arizona. Her comment was “Phil is a compulsive liar.”