State Parties

Colorado State Party announcement

Cheryl Murphy and Suki Fitzgerald

The planning for the Colorado State Party is well underway for this 2019 event. “Last year’s party was bigger and better than ever and this year’s is sure to be a blow-out!” said Suki Fitzgerald, committee member. Rockin’ the Rockies Part 2 will begin at 5:00 p.m. on March 4 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom with a cocktail hour, followed by a dinner buffet and dancing to PebbleCreek’s own PebbleRock Band.

Also returning this year will be Mile High Squares. So what if you didn’t win the Mega Millions, you could win great prizes by picking a winning square! Kathee Mealer, board designer said, “We will make the board bigger to give party goers more chances to buy squares and win prizes.”

If this sounds like fun to you watch for upcoming details and ticket sales information through PebbleNews and positing on the PebbleCreek e-group.

Wisconsin Winter Wonderland State Party

Save the date Sunday, February 24, 2019, from 3:00-7:30 p.m. Tuscany Falls Ballroom for the Wisconsin Winter Wonderland State Party.

Six months of cold and snow, schools closed, shoveling your roof, ice dams, slippery roads, giant snow banks you can’t see around, frozen ruts, pot holes, white-out driving conditions, putting on layers of clothes (in the house) just to stay warm and all those other fun things about winter. Not having to deal with these things because we are in Arizona is what our theme is this year. Our committee is planning some fun things for this year’s party so you don’t want to miss it. Raffle prizes, games, socializing and maybe a few surprises are in store for those who attend.

Watch for the details on how to sign up in the January Post and look for your personal invitation to arrive at your door. If you are new to PebbleCreek and want to get on our list, please contact Pat Jensen at [email protected]. Hope to see everyone there.