Row four from left: Maureen Jones, Clarita Tom, Kathy Luken, Michelle Hill and Marti Clark; row three: Yvette Shane, Linda Hussey and Henry Tom; row two: Faye Malnar, Chris Mayhew and Sharon Bouchard; row one: Instructors Johanna Kaufman, Janet Day and Marsha Lisle. Missing from photo: Ellie Kovach
Johanna Kaufman
The PebbleCreek Recreational Mah Jongg Club welcomes its newest members as twelve more residents completed the Introductory Class this spring and join the ranks of about 275 avid PebbleCreek players. The course is offered periodically throughout the year and runs for six weeks, meeting on Wednesday mornings from 9:00 until 11:30 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse. During this time the instructors cover the basic definitions, rules, procedures and strategies as outlined by the National Mah Jongg League as well as provide supervised playing time for students to apply and practice the game. Whenever someone combines the appropriate tiles, displays the correct Mah Jongg hand and announces to the group “Mah Jongg,” it provides reinforcement for all as they focus on learning this challenging game.
Future classes will be offered as needed when enough interested players sign up. Residents interested in signing up for upcoming classes may get further information and a registration form in the Mah Jongg folder located in the hallway across from the Pro Shop in the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse. The class is open to all beginners – come and join your friends and neighbors and learn this wonderful pastime.