Jacqueline Blake-Broughton
Linda A. Watters
Jacqueline Blake-Broughton has been selected to participate in the Leadership West Flagship Program. Leadership West is in its 25th year, and it brings together leaders from a broad cross section within the region to leverage their time, talents, and leadership capabilities to enhance the quality of life in the West Valley area. Through full-day seminars, service projects, discussion groups, and community tours, this 10-month program will provide Jacqueline an in-depth view of the regional issues and build relationships of trust and mutual understanding with leaders in the Valley.
Jacqueline has extensive leadership experience with 26 years in telecommunications, and she is currently a strategic marketing consultant. She has a rich background of giving back to her community. As a resident of West Valley for the last two years, she has continued to broaden her engagement in the community to better understand the issues related to the region and how she can make an impact. Currently, Jacqueline serves on the board of directors for the Arts and Culture Council, Women’s Group Valley of The Sun United Way, Goodyear Community Action Network, and other political and civic organizations, along with being active within the PebbleCreek community.
Jacqueline is excited to be selected for the community leadership program and looks forward to working with diverse decision makers to make a difference in the West Valley.