Christmas cross stitch pictures by Ladybug Designs
PebbleCreek Sit-n-Stitch group is pleased to introduce the community to the design team for Ladybug cross stitch patterns.
About three years ago we discovered that Debbie Golonka, one of the designers for Ladybug Patterns, lives in Goodyear. We invited the Ladybug team to one of our meetings and were pleased to learn about their design process and to purchase their patterns and kits. We have put together a display of completed works in one of the large display windows in the Creative Arts Building for the month of January. Please take time to view the variety of completed patterns stitched by our club members and all designed by Ladybug Designs.
We are excited that Debbie and Tamara, the Ladybug team, have agreed to visit on January 27 and view our display. We look forward to seeing their new designs, to inspire us towards even more creativity.
Sit-n-Stitch meets every Friday morning, 9:00 a.m. to noon, in the Creative Arts Center. Anyone working on hand stitching projects with a needle is invited to join us. There are no dues and no formal meetings.