The Singles Club took a bus trip to Laughlin Oct. 4 through 6. The group is pictured here in Lake Havasu in front of the London Bridge.
Kathy Smith
The PebbleCreek Singles Club took a bus trip to Laughlin, Nev. There were a few side trips on the Colorado River and to Oatman, Ariz., where the burros were freely roaming the streets. Another destination trip was to Lake Havasu to see the original London Bridge. All who went on this trip thought it was a wonderful getaway.
All PebbleCreek single residents are welcome to join our rapidly growing club by calling or texting Lynn Seidel at 414-403-1517. Our monthly meetings are held on the first Sunday of the month at Tuscany Falls Ballroom at 2:30 p.m. Come join the fun and make some great friendships.