Participants from Shalom Club Road Rally taken inside Martin’s Auto Museum; photo by Allen Levine
Laurie Rosenbloom
Ready? Start your engines! Fifty-five eager participants met at the model home parking lot on Saturday, April 9 at 1:00 p.m. and ventured out on an adventurous Road Rally. Each team had a set of questions that led them through the streets in search of their final destination. A list of trivia questions was provided to answer at the same time. It was a game of accuracy and skill. Our final destination was Martin’s Auto Museum. A fascinating museum! It prides itself as being the largest auto museum in the Phoenix area.
Thank you to the organizers Esther and Carl Schatz, Joan and Ed Wendroff, Martha Bergman and Allen Levine for planning such an exciting event!
Sports Day was celebrated on March 20. Almost sixty people attended and chose either bocce, pickleball or hanging out with friends. The weather (of course) was beautiful. It was a fun and yet relaxing day for all.
Once again Steve Schaffer led our Movie Discussion Group. The movie discussed was Spotlight, an Academy Award Winner for best picture and best original screenplay. Great news! Our Book Discussion Group, which has not met in recent months, will once again start meeting in the fall.
The annual Passover Seder was held on Saturday, April 23 at Tuscany Falls in the Chianti Room. David and Sandy Mednick did a spectacular job leading the Seder; thank you to both! More information on this event will be featured in next month’s publication.
Although Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 8, the Shalom Club will host a Mother/Father’s Day Sunday Brunch at the Eagle’s Nest Palm Room on Sunday, May 15 at 10:00 a.m. The price for the brunch is $13.80. Reservations must be made by May 6. Please see the Shalom Club website or contact Judy Ruck.
We are always looking for new and exciting activities. Members met on Tuesday, April 19 to share ideas, thoughts and continue to make this a wonderful club for all!
We invite anyone in PebbleCreek to join our Shalom Club. Dues are $30 per person. For membership information please contact Lil Wattenberg at [email protected], 623-536-6245.